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Aaagh. He's nagging me again!

Yeh, Shiny new teeth. Saw Mick talking about the new LP, very bluesy stuff apparently, I will definitely get it.

Repeated above in correct comment thing.

x ON The Next President       Dated:2016-12-05 22:06:43

F i x Y o u r C O M M E N T Y T H I N G Y. Link to the new one, plz.

ON The Next President       Dated:2016-12-05 18:01:41

Listening to new stones album. B is away with her arty folk. Dog and me are dancing and getting slowly pissed to what sounds exactly as it did back in Bath. Thank god nobody is videoing it.


New teeth ON The Next President       Dated:2016-12-03 18:21:01

I see the opponents of Brexit were right on, your economy has collapsed utterly, plunging all the worlds markets into complete turmoil. Members of Parliament eating their dogs and canaries, (their children may be next. What a disaster. Oy vey.

Yes, we've had our own Brexit, thank the non-existent Christian God! Also thanks to the millions of Americans who voted for Trump and literally overwhelmed the massive Democrat/Globalist voter fraud. In fact I just posted a new article on that.

Anyway, Christmas is coming, what are you going to get me? You can keep those fancy pot seeds from Amsterdam, I won't be growing next year now that the stuff has been legalized as Recreational here and everyone will be growing their own. Talk about wrecking the profit incentive. Those damn Democrats strike again! Perhaps a nice, framed picture of Nigel Farage? That would look just fine next to Trump's.

I'm still basking in the glory of Trump's (my) victory. Halle fricken lujah!

Whitey Blacksheep ON The Next President       Dated:2016-11-20 16:14:32

Good morning or whatever it is over there in Iceland. You do live in Iceland, yes? Or close to it, anyway. I wonder how those Moo Slimes deal with the cold. Bury themselves in a mound of wives and stay there until Spring?
It's Election Day here and I fully expect Donald J. Trump to become our President. What I also expect is a rash of Executive Orders from that disgusting gob of dog vomit he's replacing, aimed at causing as much damage to my country as possible before he's gone. Trump sure has his job cut out for him, good thing he's a workaholic.
Welcome back from Spain, anyway. Did you bring me a senorita? Don't forget those air holes, I like them alive.

Angry Road-Kill Ram ON The Next President       Dated:2016-11-08 18:00:45

In Spain! Jesus Christ, don't you live the hard life. Some special reason you never invited ME? Maybe I'd like to go loll on the beach and eat frijoles or whatever chow they gobble up over there TOO, but did you think of that? Nooo, you just picked up and off you went, not a care for your friends. Well, at least send me a souvenir sombrero or serape or senorita... yeah, make it a senorita. Don't forget the air holes in the box, she'll need those air holes.

Aghast Ebon Ram ON The Next President       Dated:2016-10-23 06:05:03

Hi chaps. In Spain at Mo using crap tablet so short and crap punctuation. Legalise everything I say, growing weed, robbery,murder. Will go back to the way nature does things, much more sensible.
Glad u got stuff back teeth. Look after Mr f.

x ON The Next President       Dated:2016-10-19 21:48:03

You will be overjoyed to know that my marijuana crop is bigger and better than ever this year. It may be the last one depending on how the vote goes in November here in California. There's several initiatives on the ballot involving The Weed, and one of them is to legalize it for recreational use, so that big money conglomerates can take over the production of it and make fortunes instead of it supporting little Mom and Pop operations like it does now, and the state can tax the living shit out of it. And us.
Of course, this would put an end to Medical Marijuana, since no one would have to get some lying hack of a doctor to swear that you need to smoke it for some fictitious medical condition, after talking to him for 3 minutes over an Internet video connection. You then pay $40 and voila, you're a card-carrying person with a medical problem that requires the smoking of pot. The State takes a nice portion of that $40 but taxing it will make the state $billions instead of $millions.

I voted against it, absentee ballot, but even if we all do it doesn't matter. We aren't the ones who count the votes, and if they want it passed, no doubt it will be passed, and there goes my profit incentive. The price is low now with the medical pot laws and will go down a lot more when 1000's of acres are planted and importing it from Mexico becomes legal. Which it will. Of course. I mean, if it becomes legal here to buy like liquor, hey, we import Mexican beer and liquor, lots of it.

So another weird chapter in the history of California is about to end, while an even wilder one begins. Everyone is going to grow the stuff everywhere and then what will the Mega-Pot-Farmers do about that, as their profits disappear for lack of sales? New laws, new restrictions, new crazy bullshit, oh what fun lies ahead.

Brilliantly Blaspheming Black Beast ON The Next President       Dated:2016-10-19 02:39:01

"Can't say we are that interested in astronomy, we prefer things a bit nearer, like the nice little bugs in our garden but we suppose there could be some aspects of alien life that could be interesting."

What you don't realise is those little slugs that draw patterns on your greenhouse are alien. They told me not to tell you but..."

Got all our stuff back - cost couple of hundred but worth it. And thanks for your hospitality. Thank you.

Mr F now lives in B's studio, god knows what they get up to. It's probably illegal. Lucky bastard - perhaps I should turn green and grow a few feathers.

Cheers Teeth - hope you're enjoying Spain (in a Biblical sense)

Teeth ON The Next President       Dated:2016-10-16 15:53:35

Every morning when I wake up I'm happy to be alive. Each morning I say "Another day. I have another day to live." No bullshit, I do. I'm grateful to have life, to be alive is wonderful. It doesn't last very long considering some trees and turtles lives, and it's nothing on a geological scale, and it's going to end, but it's such a gift while I have it, and I love it. I love living.

"Human nature" is a misnomer. There's no such thing. We have animal nature the same as every other predatory animal. We're predators, we have predator nature. That's not "human", we don't have a patent on it, we're the same as anything else that kills to eat and protects it's young.

Happiness is Truth. There can't be happiness without truth. No honesty means no self-esteem, we can't respect ourselves if we lie to ourselves. No self-esteem = unhappiness. It's a circle.

Black Hearted, Road-Kill Eating Son of a Bitch ON The Next President       Dated:2016-09-29 03:57:04

My thoughts entirely. The most sensible text ever is in the US constitution (before it starts rambling about god) "These things we hold self evident, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" The best way to achieve that for the most people is to ditch idealism of any sort and work with the realities of human nature.

x ON The Next President       Dated:2016-09-14 09:47:35

About philosophy being crap, no doubt it is but it still keeps a lot of college professors in bangers and tweed. That was me being philosophical about it.

Philosophy ultimately is about finding purpose and never quite getting there, because it always gets too complicated. It's really very simple, there is only one purpose in life other than reproducing, and that's to be happy. That's it, nothing more.

The Brilliant and Reknowned Black Sheep ON The Next President       Dated:2016-09-14 05:41:20

I find that disagreeing stoutly with almost everybody gives me purpose and pleasure in life. Almost everybody is almost always wrong so it's a no-lose proposition.
Admittedly the current fashion for fact-free and reality-intolerant vapouring in nearly all fields of human endeavour makes the sport less worthwhile, less... rigourous.
But there is still the heart-warming surge of contempt to luxuriate in.

Mr C ON The Next President       Dated:2016-09-04 16:23:03

Ah, I see that you yet live. I keep offering you some of those anti-depressants, maybe someday you'll decide to have me smuggle them in to you under the very noses of the Postal Inspectors. I keep telling you that vodka is a depressant, maybe some day you'll listen to my world-class wisdom.

Right now, it's fire, fire, burning bright in the darkness of the night out on the mountains. The big one nearest me is still a good ways away, probably 20 miles, but I can see the flames with my binoculars. We need rain.

Smoked Lamb Hocks ON The Next President       Dated:2016-08-20 05:28:56

Much better than Simon and Fartfunckle's


x ON The Next President       Dated:2016-08-11 23:26:01

Hmmm. Heavy metal group not heard of before. Five Finger death Punch.


x ON The Next President       Dated:2016-08-11 23:17:01

Great if real wimmin's tits and bits were so perfectly shaped. At last there would be a match to my own prefect body.

HOTRS? House of the Rising Sun?
Joan Baez?????? Is you drunk? (I am)

Think it's The Doors.

x ON The Next President       Dated:2016-08-11 23:09:45

Did you use a compass or draw round a ha'penny? America is in the shit either way.

Bovine ON The Next President       Dated:2016-08-11 19:55:16


ON The Next President       Dated:2016-08-11 19:51:46

Got it
The Joan Boaz version. Check it out. HOTRS of course

Bovine ON The Next President       Dated:2016-08-11 19:48:41

Not that bad yet fortunately. I go walking most days and, except in a few popular spots, see very few people.

x ON The Next President       Dated:2016-08-02 17:06:51

Losing Things: Where the hell do you live that you need search parties to find people? My impression of England these days is that it's paved over with towns, so many people there now that the countryside is history. Apparently not and that's good, now boot out all the Muslimes and African immigrants and make the place smell like daisies again instead of rank spices and charcoal roasting pits.

Counting Sheep ON The Next President       Dated:2016-08-01 02:22:19

Tis the eve of the Democrap Convention. I like to think of the DNC as Dilation 'n Curettage, which is the medical term for an abortion. The nasty bitch in charge there was just caught being a nasty bitch by Wikileaks and now their whole camp is in disarray, while the movie Clinton Cash is out today, I saw it already, free through More than enough proof to put both Clintons in prison for life. I sure hope someone just shoots them dead and saves us taxpayers all the court expense.

Wikileaks supposedly is going to release a whole mess of Hitlery's (aka Old Cankles) emails. I sure hope so, that will be great fun.

American politics are far, far more corrupt than I'd ever imagined. I close my eyes and see maggot-infested rotting flesh, it's that bad. It would be great to see a world war before I die, even if that's what kills me, just to see the bulk of humanity wiped out. Humans really piss me off, no respect for the planet at all, let alone each other.

Dark Hearted and Cloven Footed ON The Next President       Dated:2016-07-25 06:04:33

Re: Rants. French type. It may be a good thing that the French are getting so contentious. Obviously they're blaming you Brits for all the crap their own governments and the facking EU have visited upon them but the repeated attacks by Muslims has got to get them to properly focus, sooner or later and when they do, all hell will hopefully break loose.

Meanwhile, what do you think of the phony Turkish coup? Not sure it's phony? You would be if you'd visit my fucking blog once in a while and do some reading. You need to stay off that vodka, maybe. A little? Dare I suggest? Sounds like you get bored easily, reading your "Lists" comment. Do what I do, buy a nearby dilapidated house and fix it up. It will keep you busy doing all sorts of odd jobs, give you lots of exercise, and improve the neighborhood all in one fell swoop. Or swell foop, something like that. I've done a lot of them and the neighbors always appreciate it. Never got me laid but the occasional home-baked pie does come along.

Interesting bit about that bird's behavior. It might be ill, maybe internal parasites, that's pretty common.

Black Sheep ON The Next President       Dated:2016-07-18 01:57:30

Ah yes! You just had the 4th July, when you got rid of the darn British! Don't shoot the queen or Duke or but by all means shoot her ghastly sons.

x ON The Next President       Dated:2016-07-09 17:56:09

Regarding "Threats", I invite anyone who has the authority anywhere in the UK to arrest me for threatening to kill every god damned one of you, starting with the Queen, then her children, grandchildren, etc and every single member of Parliament before proceeding on to wipe out all the rest of you. If I had a death-threat emoji I'd certainly post it here to prove my statement. In the meantime, I would just like to say that Islam is not a religion, it's a hate, blood and death cult, Allah is pig methane, and Mohammad was not a prophet, he was an insane child raper. That should provide cause to arrest me all by itself, right?
Maybe after you're fully out of the Evil Union, you can start tossing out your stupid anti-Free Speech laws? Hmmm?

Brakk Shreep, ah so. ON The Next President       Dated:2016-07-09 02:07:54

Indeed, it seems according to the Experts that nobody who voted Leave actually meant to, except those too mentally disturbed to known where properly to put their X.

The outcome should have been 99.99% Remain, and we need a Firm Government to implement that result and have those unfortunates who thought otherwise put down for their own good, and for the good of the demos as a whole.

Mr C ON The Next President       Dated:2016-07-03 10:35:53

I was going to congratulate you but a huge fire in the area got it the way. All back to normal now except for the 200 or so homes that burned down, mine fortunately not among them.

Anyway, I see that now the people have decided, your "leaders", aka "Pond Scum", might just decide to ignore the vote, so I'll restrain myself from going WOOHOO until this looks really real. That the vote was a majority for Leave in spite of all the Remain cheating, and the true vote was probably closer to 60-40, is a good indication that most of you want OUT. You may have to arm some of the more death-wish oriented among you to clear out Parliament like that bar in Orlando, to finally get things done right.

Black Sheets or something like that..... ON The Next President       Dated:2016-06-28 15:57:22

What? You don't like president "Lucy" Mr Sheep? He will probably pass a law to make you wear a bra and lipstick but you'll soon get used to it.

Almost feeling sorry for Camoron now, once these people give up their impositions on us I don't hate them half as much. A pig's head would cheer him up. Not got one of those but maybe he would like to shag my old sheep skull.

x ON The Next President       Dated:2016-06-24 20:17:43

Funny, I was just about to go to yours Mr C as I was sure you would have commented on it. Maybe they'll get it right the 300th time.

x ON The Next President       Dated:2016-06-24 20:11:02


And the most awesome demonstrations of fuckwittery from every corner, bit like every July 4th firework display for a century going off at once. Heartwarming to see our Sub-Continental Cousins joining in with such verve and gusto.

Mr C ON The Next President       Dated:2016-06-24 18:30:08

We already have a LGBT president, Obama's a homosexual, and a transsexual first lady in Michael/Michelle. Why on Earth would you wish more of this crap upon us? Fie on you, I hope your vodka bottle becomes empty at the worst possible moment and your manky skull collection gets stolen by one of those biker skullfuckers we hear about but never really believe in.

Anyway, tomorrow's the big day, or tonight my time, I think. Yeah, it's already Tomorrow today over there, so when I wake up in the morning on the 23rd here, the vote will already have been counted.

Listen, if the vote is for IN, do me a favor and smash Cuntmoron's head in with one of those vodka bottles for me, will you? It's the least you can do after what you said about our elections. I would forgive you if you did this, and you'd feel much better afterward too, you really would. But hopefully it won't be necessary to muss up a nice vodka bottle. I'll know in the morning.

Road Kill... I mean Black Sheep ON The Next President       Dated:2016-06-23 01:57:31