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Yeah, the dates kept changing as the hours ticked by. Now it looks like they were here for years but I gave up trying to figure how long. In any case, they're still muslimse.

I don't think being a Pakistani or Afghani or whatever national claim matters a lot among muslimes. Being a muslime comes first, countries come later. For all the big wooptidoo that American christians make over being christian, nationality still comes first with us and all the rest afterward, as it does with regular British as well. Or Irish. Or French, etc.

This is why muslimees can get so into the Ummah, global islam, everybody in the world a muslime. With muslimes, religion comes before everything else. Googling around I find that the slimes (for short) expect to be at least 25% of the global population by 2030. They see themselves as this dominating group that will keep growing to take over the world.

HOWEVER.... the shites and sunnis war against each other. Take a look at this site that I'm not allowed by your blog to give a link to, where the shi'ts are called non-muslims by the s'nits, that says Shia are between 7.5% to 11% of all slimes, even though they really aren't slimes at all. The figures exaggerate the s'nit count. Hey, no bad feelings between brother slimes, right? Thing is, "As much as 80 per cent of the world’s Shia population lives in four countries: Iran, Pakistan, India and Iraq." and three of those are the ones with all the nukes. Cleansing this festering infection of pseudo-slimes from slimedom might be a bit messy and hard on the old s'nit slime population growth projections, d'ya think?

Oh, so much HAPPINESS in the world, how do we bask in the glow without positively melting?

Brakkk Shreppp ON Patch on the original       Dated:2013-04-25 02:53:34

Been in the US since about 2001 according to the BBC website. That's a detail anyway, point is that they were "US" citizens, Not US citizens. Like so many "British" citizens over here they are still Pakistanis or whatever in all but name.

x ON Patch on the original       Dated:2013-04-21 09:43:26

Chechen suspects. "or, since they had been in the US for many years, it could be a case of "home grown" terrorists."

Yeah, well, that's the BBC for you, writing the news their way as usual. The two had been here about a year.

ON Patch on the original       Dated:2013-04-21 07:03:07

Green Crap. Green crap cometh from babies, lots and lots of babies. Lots of immigrant babies, all crapping green and filling millions and millions of disposable diapers made from trees and oil and clogging sewers and overloading landfills.

All my life, Progress, in bright shining capital letters, embossed, revered and bowed down to in awe, has been created by expanding the population. Progress means more streets, more houses, more workers, more consumers. More smog, more fumes, more traffic, more crime, more misery, more poverty. Progress, long may it wave.

Timothy Leary, prophet of LSD, once said, "Put fire and iron underground. Progress is regression". Being one of those who paid close attention to his mutterings back then, and having tried more than a few of those little purple pills, I saw the wisdom of his words.

By 1967 it was very apparent that our increasing population was wrecking the Green and turning it all Brown and Grey. You want a Green party in England that really is Green? Then you'd better get out the spray paint and go at them with it, because being colored green is the only way to even get a little lip service. They're all politicians and the more people there are, the more who will vote for them.

Green parties make me green about the gills.

Black Crap. I mean Sheep ON Patch on the original       Dated:2013-04-21 06:59:21

Give me that pill, send me across, wash all my troubles away, like that lucky old sun, gots nothing to do but roll around heaven all day.

Yeah, my mother went out that way, by tiny degrees, slowy fading, finally unable to rise from the bed and mostly unconsious but still hanging onto the thread. My father's father was another one. My own father was luckier, he got cancer and went fairly quickly, yet painlessly, strangely enough.

My preference is to go to sleep comfortably and stay that way some night. That I should be so lucky.

Roadkill Sheep ON Patch on the original       Dated:2013-04-17 04:58:01

Yes it is, it's racist. Picking on those poor immigrants who only want to make a better life for themselves by living in your country exactly the same way they lived in their own, only now they have a government that will give them things instead of making their 10 year old boys become soldiers, or be pirates, or steal all the sacks of UNICEF grain and letting the children starve to death.

Now all those borderline-idiot black people can breed like hell and rape and kill and get government handouts for not working, and you're complaining about that? You're such a racist.....

Re: Google Glass, the mad advance of anything-goes technology marches on. If the things are outlawed, then everyone will have one mounted in a shirt button or imitating a facial wart. I can tell you what's coming next. It's GPS technology that pinpoints the location of everyone connected to the Internet. Google Glass users included. It only makes sense. Someone will figure out how to do that in a way that can't be misdirected to a fake location and your government and ours will jump right on it, logging who is where and doing what.

Black Racist Sheep ON Patch on the original       Dated:2013-04-08 05:04:26

Re: "As long as it's cheap", the real danger isn't from appliances. It's from paper clips and coat hangers. Have you ever looked in your desk and couldn't find a paper clip, and wondered where the hell they all went to? Then you look in your closet and there's all those wire coat hangers you're not using and you wonder where the hell they all came from?

Paper clips are the larval form of wire coat hangers. When they molt, they slide out of the desk and under the closet door, and work their way up onto the clothes rods.

The danger comes when they again molt into their final form, large bent nails. When this happens, they migrate out into roadways where they cause horrendous wrecks when vehicles drive over them. No wonder staples became popular. Or wait. Aren't they the larval form of paper clips?

Bald Sheik ON Patch on the original       Dated:2013-03-29 15:27:16

Hello and blessings. I am the Pope and I am also the reincarnation of Francis of Assissi and you are wrong about me, Xoggoth.

He speaketh the trutheth. I am Jethuth, I mean Jesus, risen to command my church once again. Oh. And blessings.

Those two are my children and righteous in my sight. I am God. Bless you for speaking for Great Crested Newts, one of my favorite creations. You are forgiven. Don't tell the Cardinals who I really am, okay?

No. Sanity tests are not required to become The Pope. Why?

Pope Francis ON Patch on the original       Dated:2013-03-20 02:22:03

Testing... detesting... protesting... 1 2 3 9 7 Aw crap it works now.

Black Pile Of Sheep Crap ON Patch on the original       Dated:2013-03-18 02:47:57

Testo the bear.

PS Ghastly foreign people (including Yanks) should be able to comment. PPS No Argentinians allowed.

x ON Patch on the original       Dated:2013-03-17 22:56:40