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Nowt so sinister. Just split last page and ballsed up the references. Well spotted.

We should have free speech, if people don't agree with or like summit why can't they just ignore it? We don't agree on gay rights but no point us having the same argument over and over.

Maybe we should all be schizos with multiple personalities and we should only use the ones that fit in with which ever personality other people around us are currently using. That way we could be ourselves AND not offend anyone. Or maybe split the world into nations according to belief. Trouble is, all the nutty lefties and religious sorts would be trying to get into ours because theirs would be a total flop.

PS Re Ernesto. He's a good chap but your blog might need a bigger server.

x ON never get it       Dated:2012-04-08 18:27:38

Ummm, no previous comments? Did you get threats from the Powers That Be over the content of a few? Or perhaps more than a few? Or is this just a glitch?

Anyway, my posts on religion have been either getting me the cold shoulder or self-righteous "I'll pray for you", I notice. People get so very huffy and stupid over religion. Not having one, which to me would be like having a crack addiction or a 75 pound tumor dangling off one leg, I really fail to share their outrage.

In any case, I felt I should warn you that you and Ernesto may end up being my only readers because of my views, and since Ernesto doesn't have a blog to comment on, you may need 2 or 3 comment boxes on every page. To contain my outpourings that normally get spread around the Internet, you understand.

Meanwhile, perhaps you can convince her that what you want to put in there is actually a vitamin suppository? I wish you good luck on that.

Blackhearted Sheepbastard ON never get it       Dated:2012-04-08 16:39:29

Re: Obfuscation, Obama murder plot today stated through his needs to die Attorney General that yes, death to all of them SCOTUS does have the power to wipe out the entire Obama family declare any law unconstitutional. This was in a three-page conspiracy letter to annihilate a Federal appeals court that had demanded Obama be abducted and decapitated explain his recent statements that appeared to threaten his life our Supreme Court.

Blackhearted Sheepkiller ON never get it       Dated:2012-04-05 20:00:43

I forgot to add... Obama death to the infidel is backtracking hijack a helicopter on his statements regarding assassination attempt must succeed District of Columbia itinerary hacking assault about the Supreme Court IED presidential route since Eric Holder has been ordered to secret Iranian assassin explain the White House position fire will consume all by a 3-judge federal panel accelerants.

Peppermint flavored sheepdip ON never get it       Dated:2012-04-04 23:11:23

You need a new Comment boxy thingy.

Black Sheep ON never get it       Dated:2012-04-04 22:30:00

Re: Obfuscation, President Obama's murder the bastard latest overt act conspiracy to kill the president of racism has been to sniper across from the invite none other than America's most outspokent racist to the White House Easter Breakfast. I refer to Al Sharpton, hidden firearm use of poison aerosol the raving black racist. Intent to kill the President at the same time has ignored planted explosives literally all the Protestant leaders bomb laden aircraft. Ricin aerosol White House no-fly zone jihaad allah is great as one Protestant leader put it, birds of a feather flock together and Obama's invitation to Al Sharpton virulent disease carrier Obama death is no surprise.

Black Sheep ON never get it       Dated:2012-04-04 22:29:05

Gingrich looks by far the best option from here.

My frothy mix came up top of Google first time. Must be cos I'm always Googling about bottom-related activities. In a strictly hetero context obviously.

x ON never get it       Dated:2012-03-29 20:13:35

Yep, Santorum is a self-righteous asshole, and I happily said exactly that on my blog. The guy is really a freak. Fortunately, he won't be the Republican nominee for President. That person will be either Romney or Gingrich. Right now Romney has the majority of delegates, but it doesn't look like the caucuses will end with him having enough to cinch the nomination. I think Gingrich may have a few hand grenades up his sleeves, to blow away the competition at a crucial moment. The guy is brilliant, no doubt at all.

I did a "santorum" search and clicked on that "frothy mix" link just to give the site more relevance. Do it enough and it will come up number one. Kinda hate promoting a Leftard website that way but, I mean, Santorum....

Blacker Than Somali Shit ON never get it       Dated:2012-03-29 01:38:28

I was actually surprised to hear that you have so much trouble with blacks, but then, I was there before you had multiculturalism shoved up, er, onto you. One advantage you do have over there is that the more or less "native British" blacks all sound just like any other Brit. Unlike here where they insist on their Negro brogue. It's an article of shame among most of them "to sound White".

Since they sound like Brits I falsely assumed they act like Brits.

Speaking of that, isn't it wonderful how real life can imitate art? I'm talking about the Harry Potter actor who played a bully and is now off to prison for two years for being a bully. At least he waited until the movies were finished. He acted very un-British-like, in my view, and now he gets to pay for it. A soft, tender young fellow like him should find lots of big, loving friends in prison.

Blacker Than Sheepshit at Midnight ON never get it       Dated:2012-03-25 06:26:51

Regarding which obscure religion to join, may I suggest the Rastafarian Firebombists? Getting high first on vodka is perfectly allowable, although it would be better if the vodka had a lot of good ganja soaking in it and giving it a lovely dark green hue, but anyway, as I said, getting high first before setting fire to the structures of competing faiths, or even the members of those faiths, is all in good humor with the Rastafarian Firebombists. Now let us prey.

Seriously, being a Christian over on your side of that Japanese debris field doesn't seem to be the best option of late, from things I read in the UK press. About the only ones getting away with religious garb at work and other places is the mooslimes.

Of course, as a devout Firebombist, you could begin to deal with that problem as part of your daily worship.

Black Sheep ON never get it       Dated:2012-03-15 02:59:56

Damn! Beaten at rude words.

That's what I meant by "directly". The direct problem is backward societies but what causes black societies to be constantly among the most backward is another matter. We just get given "reasons" that curiously don't seem to have the same impact on others. When failure is so constant and widespread there is only one realistic explanation, it's about intelligence.

x ON never get it       Dated:2012-03-11 00:20:39

You forgot Shittlebitch Fukklesnatch, Eaglebeak Thumperdick, Dingleberry Stuckindirt, a veritable host yet to to be mentioned.

RE: The slanted world of PC reporting 2, "It has nothing to do with race directly", yeah, yeah it does, really. The way those sub-people go about things may compare with the Spanish Inquisition on a brutality scale, but the Inquisition was a fairly short period in European history. The crap the Somalians and other Africans do, they've been doing for thousands of years. Maybe a hundred thousand years.

It has a whole lot to do with race.

Black Sheep ON never get it       Dated:2012-03-10 21:30:55

Hmm. You're still on about calling murders and other misc. atrocities "art", are you? Looks to me like you're trying to set up justification for doing away with Mr. Pikey Scum. Oh yes, I know what you're up to. But don't worry, I won't say anything and I certainly won't post it on the Internet.

Black Sheets ON never get it       Dated:2012-02-29 03:27:40

Not go to San Francisco then? Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehh?

x ON never get it       Dated:2012-02-26 20:57:28

Greetings. Back from a trip to Calif to check out that land I bought and do some house hunting. I found a house I like, now to see if I can beat out the competition.

You, meanwhile, have been posting away with abandon, I see. About the Making of a Monster, I do agree with you. Not all of them, but likely most of those people were terribly abused in childhood. I used to think that we had a responsibility to try to cure them of their mental illness but that was back when I still put a value on human life. While we might save one out of 50 at great trouble and expense, we would still have 49 intractable-for-life monsters. It just isn't practical.

About illegal fishing, there's an easy way to stop that. Wait. That's all, just wait. Eventually the fish population will decrease to an unsustainable level and there will be no more baby fish, or fishlets, or whatever the hell they're called. End of problem.

Your rants about religion are like mine about queers. Neither of us will ever make the problem go away but at least we have our blogs to express our frustration with.

Black Sheep ON never get it       Dated:2012-02-26 06:28:38