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Clit! Clit clit clit clit clit. Just testing. Clit.

Sheep Clit ON Unacceptable truths       Dated:2011-10-19 07:28:15

"The inverted commas British are coming". Hey, it could be Space Invaders, like The Thing.
Seriously, what you're really asking for is a return to the way things used to be. Citizenship was not given freely to those of a non-white complexion. Here, people were allowed to be here without being citizens, and for the most part no one cared if they were citizens or not as long as they behaved themselves...

I'm getting deja vu here. Haven't we discussed this before?

It should be upsetting when citizens of one's country spew hatred against it. Reviling our leaders is one thing, acts of treason are another.

Dipped In Sheep Shit And Rolled In Coconut ON Unacceptable truths       Dated:2011-10-19 07:26:51

Ok, links to fat ladies should be ok now. That's what comes of copying anti-spamming lists without checking. I can't believe I was not allowing anyone to say clit!

clit clit clit clit

x ON Unacceptable truths       Dated:2011-10-17 17:21:06

Fractal rather than divine? I shall have to ponder what that means. I think I wasn't suggesting such sharing, rather suggesting such sharing was unworkable. What I meant to say anyway.

But never mind all that god and society crap. Lovely photos of big fat ladies! Cheers teeth. I will have to look at the spammy thing, maybe mod it so that it won't accept anything EXCEPT links to pictures of fat ladies.

x ON Unacceptable truths       Dated:2011-10-17 16:55:03

Could be that the the driver behind your leaf patterns is fractal rather than divine? Your comments on unacceptable truths might suggest you are softening in your attitudes too. To share as you suggest would mean that eventually there would be nothing for anybody, the final socialist apocalypse.

Not related to anything, but recently came across Christine von Diepenbroek, a photographer whom I quite like and I thought you might find her interesting. I would post a link yo her on but you spammy filter won't let me so you will have to look her up yourself if you can be arsed.

teeth ON Unacceptable truths       Dated:2011-10-17 16:45:19