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sfsf ON Knob woodpeckers       Dated:2011-10-30 11:18:52

It's against the law to gather or publish negatives about minorities in France? Is that really true? I thought British anti-freedom of speech laws were the worst, but I guess France tops the bill. But cheer up, I predict in my latest post that the EU is going to collapse in a cloud of dust, which will halt the continued invasion of Somalians and etc., and save Europe from itself. Or from it's jackass politicians, more appropriately.

Ebonic Ram (or is that Ebonish?) ON Knob woodpeckers       Dated:2011-10-27 00:24:53

Re survey, one does not have to answer the questions, it merely amused me to tick sexual other. I shall probably be under surveillance now as a suspected paedophile.

On the plus side these things do provide some great ammo against excessive and unsuitable immigration, figures get published in the ONS and they mostly do not favour the liberal viewpoint. Sooner that than, as in France, where it is illegal to gather or publish any unfavourable data about minorities.

x ON Knob woodpeckers       Dated:2011-10-26 11:56:05

Minor nit pick that I almost forgot. Hitler didn't just kill 6 million people. That figure, AT MINIMUM, represents only the number of Jews slaughtered. The estimates range from 50 million to well over 70 million people died in that war in total and the Germans were very likely responsible for a minimum of 40 million, including their own dead. He was one helluva good artist, though. I mean, like he wasn't all bad, sort of.... well, okay, he was.

Sheepdip ON Knob woodpeckers       Dated:2011-10-26 06:05:58

Flies are cheaper. You get in the bathtub, arouse yourself, then take a fly that you've pulled the wings off of and let it "walk you off".
I do hope that one outdid your sicko woodpeckers.

Anyway... I also posted on the radicalization of Libya and Egypt. Repeatedly, in fact. Both disasters can be laid directly at the feet of Obama, since he orchestrated them. Now he's prating about how Democracy and Elections and Free Societies and all that never-happen horseshit is coming to the Libyan people. At least he's shut the fuck up about Egypt, having helped overthrow Mubarak. Thank the whatevers that Egypt has no oil and is a poor country and can't really do much. Libya has tons of oil and can do plenty, however, and you can bet your woodpeckers that they will, and it'll be all bad.

The first likely event to happen, when the Sharia Islamists become powerful enough, will be a big and very hot war between the Shiites and the Sunnis, with Iran, with Russia's backing, and any other allies on one side and Saudi Arabia, various king and sheik-doms on the other along with whichever of these radicalized Muslim hellholes side with them. I can't be bothered to look up which are Sunni and which are the other assholes and it doesn't matter. They'll work it out just fine.

That, of course, will put a stop to all Mid-East oil flow, which will crash Europe into the financial dirt. China, Russia and the U.S. have lots of oil and natural gas and will be relatively untouched that way, we'll all just have to go on rationing. It will play hob with foreign trade between us all and deepen the global recession into a genuine depression, but the upside is that the Muslimes will have hammered each other to a pulp and put quietus to their domination schemes for awhile. Or so I hope.

I disagree with that link you posted in your comment. It all sounds real rosy, but all those positive figures are subject to change without notice. Just for one, what if China goes to war with somebody? Anybody? What if we do what I think Obama is going to shove us into next, which is a protracted war in Africa? What if there are big changes in our tariff laws, or theirs, or yuan or dollar devaluations beyond anything expected? Nothing is certain.

That survey form pic is incredible. They actually ask questions like that? That would damn near cause riots over here because of the invasion of privacy. If I received something like that in the mail I'd send it back with a note to shove it up their collective ass. Trust me, it would make Prime Time news.

BRAAAAAACKKKK !!! Sheep ON Knob woodpeckers       Dated:2011-10-26 05:27:32