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Black Sheep ON Inconsistency on       Dated:2011-11-27 18:08:02

You would pass? What? You don't want to hang out with homosexuals? Well, gee, why on Earth not? It would be so entertaining and educational and all that.

When homosexuals keep it to themselves, that's fine, and that's what they used to do. Everyone knew that Elton John and Donovan were homosexual but no one cared then and I doubt anyone does now. Thing is, they never tried to shove their sexuality down our throats, they never demanded that we see our sexuality the same as their sexuality. It isn't and it never will be and that can't be changed. It's when this homosexual "minority group" crap got started and suddenly heterosexual people were called homophobic for not openly embracing a form of sexuality that's instinctively repulsive to us, that we rebelled.

The idea of sex with men is disgusting to heterosexual males. That's not homophobia - which means FEAR, it's DISGUST. It repels, the same as having sex with a corpse is repellent to a normal person. You can't expect any heterosexuals to embrace the idea of their children being raised by homosexuals, of attending marriages between homosexuals, of seeing homosexual men going around in women's clothing, and so on. There's a limit.

There's a reason why social norms develop over long periods of time, why taboos slowly arise and slowly fade away. If homosexuality is to be accepted as just another social norm, it has to happen naturally, over time, not be crashed down on us the way it's being done. That disrupts society to the core, and that's exactly what it has done.

B. S. ON Inconsistency on       Dated:2011-11-19 07:30:47

Hmm! I could go down to Brighton and hang around in some gay bars and saunas to soak up some attitudes I suppose, but on 2nd thoughts, think I'll pass.

x ON Inconsistency on       Dated:2011-11-18 10:34:29

Hugging. Well, waiting in line to hug a stranger isn't my cup of tea either, but you never know who's going to be needy and for what. I can think of much worse things to wait in line for.

That's quite a strong reaction you have to dreams of being confined in a small space. Not knowing anything about your past, there's a few ways to see what might cause that. The obvious is that you were locked into a trunk or some such when you were little and it terrified you, and the more "amateur psychologist" view is that the constrictions of your society, or your life situation, are the cause.

Whatever, if I had nightmares like that I'd want to see a professional and find out the cause. They sound too severe to not do anything about.

B. S. ON Inconsistency on       Dated:2011-11-18 03:58:34

More comments en route but meanwhile, YES, "upending the values of Western society and wrecking our society or rivaling Islamists" is a fair statement. Homosexual marriage IS NOT a western value. Homosexual adoption of children IS NOT a western value. Public displays of overt homosexuality IS NOT a western value. All those things are highly disruptive of established social values and mores. Homosexuals have a very obvious agenda of not just gaining complete social acceptance but of teaching children that homosexuality is an acceptable so-called "lifestyle choice".

What you need to do is go hang out in a homosexual enclave for a few months and soak in the attitudes and behavior of nothing but homosexuals around you for awhile, and then get back to me. How one or two of them act in public isn't even close to how a crowd of them acts, especially when they think you're one of them.

I'm not for persecuting them or any fringe group, but allowing such a small proportion of our population to shout us all into making them a part of the mainstream, when doing so means going against what is literally instinctive sexual behavior, is, Hell yes, disruptive of social values. If you're simply unable to perceive this, then there's no point in discussing it further.

B. S. ON Inconsistency on       Dated:2011-11-18 03:41:36

Quite true there are always aggressive campaigners for the rights of this or that group and I agree people should not have these supposed rights imposed on them in their own homes or small businesses and everyone should be free to express an opinion.

But upending the values of Western society and wrecking our society or rivalling Islamists? Quite what are you referring to that merits those descriptions? Do homosexuals oppose democracy or secularism? Outside of the one issue, they have no political objectives in common.

x ON Inconsistency on       Dated:2011-11-10 11:20:51

Did you read the latest article in The Freethinker, which you've linked to? He reprints the writing of one Alan Craig, who compares the homosexual activists in the UK to Nazis. In doing so, he call Mr. Craig a loon, among other epithets, even though what Craig says is completely true.

Homosexuals make up about 1.5% of humanity, yet they're succeeding in upending the values of Western society and wrecking our society. More people need to speak up for heterosexual values like Alan Craig is, instead of caving in to pressure from simpering liberal jackasses.

Homosexuals rival Islamists as the new Nazis, and Political Correctness is their primary weapon.

the Newsbleat guy ON Inconsistency on       Dated:2011-11-10 03:00:17

That was me who said that. I mean, who else would have? I mean.......

BLAKKKK CHEEEP ON Inconsistency on       Dated:2011-11-03 23:19:34

"why, in the 21st century, are we still automatically giving Bishops seats in the house of Lords so they can influence our laws at taxpayers' expense?"

Because all those entranced believers vote. Priests were the first politicians, the witch doctors have always had more power than the chiefs.

ON Inconsistency on       Dated:2011-11-03 23:18:43

Cameron is buying off Pakis so you and I can keep killing militants in Pakistan that want to come to your home and mine and blow us to bits. No doubt a lot of that money is going toward info on the locations of nuclear weapons, so we can blow them to bits if the need arises. Then, of course, there's always the bribes for info on the ratbastard Pakis who are already in your country and mine, plotting mayhem. It's a growth industry, actually. The more Pakis that come in, the more bribes that have to go out. Besides, you don't really think that Cameron isn't getting kickbacks on those bribes, do you? When giving a bribe is a corrupt act to begin with? Naw, you don't think that, ho ho, wink.

It's all a bunch of self-service on both ends.

Shlack Beep ON Inconsistency on       Dated:2011-11-02 04:33:32

yah, you LOOK like a fucking tree, too. I've always thought so. Like one of those things sticking out of the dried, thick white brine of the Salton Sea, all lifeless, bleached out and de-limbed.

Other than that you look fine. No, really.

Black Sheep ON Inconsistency on       Dated:2011-11-02 04:23:58