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Good grief! A comment, here on bloggoth?

They can in general, but you're missing my point a bit. Your judge doesn't need sight to make a sound judgement and I did some volunteer work myself where a couple of blokes with mental problems did a good job.

The point where it gets daft in my view is where the disability is itself an impediment to the type of job done and would only increase the load on others. Actually, I rather doubt that a single person with a bad back would volunteer for clearance work and the text is included simply in accordance with some blanket inclusiveness directive.

x ON Daft       Dated:2011-11-22 09:30:19

Why not? Why be normal to work with others? People with disabilities can do great work. I have a friend who is a judge that is blind, and has a degree in mathematics as well as in law. So to paraphrase a racist cliche, some of my best friends are disabled.

Rody ON Daft       Dated:2011-11-22 06:03:15

That foreclosed house I was working on sold and the money's in the bank, so I may just move out of this rainy state yet.

How do you manage to get those great "Did you mean's" from Google"? All I ever get are really stupid misspellings of my search terms. Some people have all the luck.

I see that these "occupy Wall Street" conglomerations of mixed protests are going international, which proves that there are too many bored young people with no jobs. If all these people were working they'd have no time to defecate in city parks and scribble slogans on scraps of cardboard.

Dark Fuzzy Warm Cuddly Grass Eater ON Daft       Dated:2011-10-16 02:40:38

Who else posts bullwarks like that on your site?

x ON Daft       Dated:2011-10-11 18:41:04

"at least other people's never made the wife's fanny feel like the Mersey Tunnel."

Mr. X, you are fucking hilarious. Allegedly. Yes, once my jet lag was overcome it was obvious who x is. I'm really not all that goddam obtuse, just on special days.

I take it that you (allegedly) don't think much of a certain minister who allegedly spoke like an alleged horse's ass. You mean you really don't think that Great Britain should finance the modernization of every backward country on the planet? Why not? We finance every backward, failing business here at home with an endless stream of bailouts. Of course, we're fucking near bankrupt from it and from putting everyone on the government payroll, along with a variety of other forms of incredible mismanagement, but that's progress. Isn't it?

Black Sheeplike Alien ON Daft       Dated:2011-10-11 06:59:49

All those posts and no comments? I run off to Australia and you never even notice? What, you've been staying all sodden on vodka ever since I left? Ah, well, of course that explains it, you just missed me so much that you couldn't bear it, so you just kept putting up your comments about our messy planet as if I were still around. Well, if it worked for you, then I'm fine with it. But I'm back now, so you can ease off a tad if you like, and you have my blessing.

Send the check to the usual address and remember, nothing under 500 pounds, there's a good lad.

Black Wooly Critter ON Daft       Dated:2011-10-09 05:46:35