
Blogs we may look at when not lost in admiration of our own:
Burning Our Money
EU Referendum
Gimcrack hospital
HMRC is shite
Lord Likely
Muffled Vociferation
News Bleat
Nobody's Friend
Not Proud Of Britain
Snail's Tales
The Atheist blogger
Vacant slot
Islam totally sucks links:
Gates Of Vienna
Jihad Watch
Last commenty thing that xoggoth bothered to create. (Lazy old git)
Links to items
xoggoth to the rescue again
An invention for those little racist slips (cartoon)

Perhaps if all you intelligent idiots stopped looking for meaning the world would make more sense
Trivia is normal

Muuum, they're stealing my ideas again
CCTV distribution

Suicide bombers' arses

Pah, why does nothing exciting ever happen to us?
Boring bones found again

A brilliant quote from The Sun

A bit less impartial application of rules and a bit more sense
Let's have some sensible priorities on removal of illegals

FUCKING HELL! when will the REAL people of Britain wake up?
Sucky Labour conference too near us

Leave MR T alone
Denigration of T Rex (cartoon)

Serious science
On jam seeking waspies

We must do something! But why if it will acheive nothing?
Foreig aid is a waste without organisation in the country concerned

Unnatural concerns
Well intentioned intererence abroad rarely helps

Shut it down
The PO

Continuing the fight
Why are anti terror laws available to any but the security/emergency services?

Let's look beyond the sympathy next time
Aceh goes Shariah

Ordinary Yanks know how to protest

Be quiet and accept your fate
Never mind the smears, EDL has a valid point

Big waspy
What it says

A lie requires intent but that's just nitpicking
Good intentions on US health are not enough

Now we are getting to the truth
Most violence in the UK comes from the left

Why the world is so shit?
An emphasis on presentation over substance

Incredibly Fecund Woman
What it says (cartoon)

That explains a lot
Brownstuff mentally ill?

Climate Change Man
What it says (cartoon)

Good for them
You can't condemn an organisation simply because some extremists support it

Recollections of Sidney

Does any of that make sense?
The disparity between god's supposed laws and realities

But does it really matter?
Deathbed conversion planned

A tree clings to life

Check this out
A decent rap tune

Our bald spot (cartoon)

Cutting edge
Dinosaur wars

Are waspies racist?
What it says

Yes, it's....
WASPY JAM time again

A grasp of basic mathematics would help

Just maybe
Bilderburg stuff

Sod Gatwick
Vapour trails

The CCTV channel
A use for all those CCTVs

As in
Sharing the burden of EU membership

Good comparison
The Wire

Life cycle of the Jumbo Jet
What it says

Why can't Twitter take over the entire media?
Much less tedious

Up yours 1
US boycott

Up yours 2

Insane, but so typical of the UK under the New Labour SCUM
Romanian fraud

The New Adventures of Supertalibanman
What is says (Cartoon)

The New Adventures of Supertalibanwoman
What is says (Cartoon)

Some individual instances prove a point, some don't
What is says


What is it with that word?
The C word

Without irrational intolerant dogma can you have a religion at all?
What it says

A society going backwards
Third world barbarism

An essential watch
A US view of UK dhimmitude

A step in the right direction
Cat eating plant (cartoon)

The Republicans are right - the NHS does suck
What it says

Special treatment breeds resentment
What it says

Enough deference to this shitty creed
Islam obviously

New story
Inspired by a zoo visit

Of the fat British (cartoon)

Banksy and beyond
The Tattoo Terrorists

Nasty perhaps but the right is not where most violence comes from
What is says

Yeh Freddie
Queen song

US battle robots

Way to go Grandpa, we love you!
The pope gets funky

That's an idea
A US gym shooting

The Portrait of Dour and Grey
GB's alter ego

Want the truth about immigration? Then read The Guardian.
What is says

Welcome to Babel
Benefits in every language

At last, a "right" that really should be one
To die

Religion and time do not fit well together
What is says

If governments will not listen to reason they should not be surprised when there no longer is any

Time until we can start to vote out New Labour, the useless, malignant, corrupt, leftist bastards.
Too long

Page 30

The ramblings of an old git

bloggoth Mission Statement:

          We aim to never raise our sights above the gutter and preferably to stay much lower

xoggoth to the rescue again

Not a week goes by without some celebrity or public figure in trouble for letting slip a racial epithet. We at bloggoth have fortunately come up with a new invention. It comprises a small computer device with microphone and voice recognition software that users can conceal discretely under their clothes and a similarly discrete speaker that can be hidden in a tie or broach. When the device recognises a racial epithet in its owner's voice it immediately plays a prerecorded word or sentence that removes the racial connotations. Unless you are a prince or an MP the financial consequences of these slips can be dire and we believe these devices will sell very well.

Perhaps if all you intelligent idiots stopped looking for meaning the world would make more sense

Over and over again you see it. Denigration of modern society for its triviality. Castigation of ordinary people for their everyday obsessions about the little things that affect them.

So they want a nice 4x4 and aren't sufficiently concerned about the carbon footprint. Oooh! how very selfish and superficial! Don't they care about the environment?? Here's a little logic for you. The planet and life on it will survive very, very nicely until some fecking great comet blows it all to hell and disperses it into space or the sun expands and roasts it to a temperature where hydrogen-carbon compounds cannot exist. Manmade global warming? Nowt compared to past climate changes that life on Earth has taken in its stride. Nuclear catastophe? Nature is very tolerant of radiation and it will survive even if a global war uses every single nuclear warhead we have.

So what is the problem? Granted, we may not have men or Dolphins or Chimpanzees but so what? We didn't have those a few tens of million of years ago but we had other things equally as complex and as important to themselves and when they are gone other species will take their place. If trivial Sun-reading, Katie and Peter obsessed man disappears, why exactly does it matter to you Mr Intellectual? You loath them anyway. And Geuss what, whatever wierd species that succeeds them will be exactly the same, obsessed with trivia that relates to their own lives because THAT IS WHAT LIFE IS ABOUT, living! And after that you fecking well die! The end.

Deeper meaning? Like what exactly? Here's a test for you Mr White Caucasion non existent reader. Listen to some Chinese, Arabic or Indian music that has not been subjected to Western influence and tell me what it means to you. Absolutely nothing I would geuss, to most of us in the West it's just a tuneless noise. That's odd, if music has some intrinsic value why can't we hear it? The fact is that, beyond the most basic emotions, what we regard as meaningful is what we have been raised to regard as meaningful. Art, music or literature isn't about deeper meaning, they are just ways of triggering emotional responses that help us survive, all part of the survival mechanisms that help us bond with our tribe.

Or perhaps mankind has a destiny? Like what? Reach for the stars maybe. Sounds good, very Startrecky. So what do we do when we get there? Reach for some more stars perhaps, anyone got a better idea? If you had a better idea why did we waste our time reaching for the stars when we could have been doing that instead? So what do we do when we have achieved that? Many people in mankind's history have had a greater vision, Attilla the Hun, Ghengis Khan, Napoleon, Hitler. The improvement in the lot of mankind is a matter of history. They had a quality that is not given to most of us, the ability to inspire and lead other men but how did these or any of the many forgotten leaders improve anything about mankind? What advances were made except to their own egos? They filled some history books but did they really achieve anything more significant than a man who makes a good job of fixing his kitchen shelf?

We at bloggoth believe in pursuit of individual survival and happiness as these are the only things we know we have; in the great words of Jefferson and others, these truths are self evident. We are the product of our own middle class upbringing and do not pretend to be a man of the people but we cannot find the contempt for the less educated and for the modern media obsessed society that many profess. In their "limited" vision of society we see only realism, concern for the things that matter to what truly exists, their own lives, not the unrealistic political philosophies of the intelligentsia who can afford to insulate themselves from their idealism.

So they want to read about Katie and Peter? How common. But, except that it does SOUND so much more intellectual, how exactly does that in any way differ from reading a book about the unhappy marriages of Bertram Russel? Answers on a postcard.

Muuum, they're stealing my ideas again

Now and then we think up a really stupid idea for bloggoth, the stupider the better. Then what happens? This totally stupid idea becomes a reality in our utterly stupid world. The latest is to feed CCTV outputs into a live streaming video channel so that anyone can report crimes.

Great idea but you read it here first.


Now it is not just the risk of getting blown up by fecking Muslims we face but the possibility that even if we are not close enough to be killed or seriously injured we are going to get showered with arse.

If they really must do this sort of thing can they at least have some decent lady suicide bombers, we would not mind being showered with arse then, it would save us having to pay for it.

Pah, why does nothing exciting ever happen to us?

When you read the news it seems everyone else is having an exciting time, falling off cliffs, getting stabbed by schizos, shot by gangsters in a case of mistaken identity. Maybe we will move to Harringay.

Not everything is as exciting as it seems though. A bag of human bones found next to the M5 have turned into "human" bones. We had a similar disappointment a couple of weeks ago when we found what looked liked part of a human pelvis at the corner of our garden. Just in case we took a photo and checked. Bugger!! It's probably just a deer or an elephant of something but we might take it to the police anyway as the bloke at the desk probably won't know. We pay our council tax, why shouldn't we waste their time too? It's our right!


Apologies to the non existent readers for lack of activity here but we have pressing reasons. WE CAN'T BE ARSED!


The much sneered at Sun has come out with a fine summary.

For anyone with an ounce of sense one phrase sums up the only thing they need to consider:- "tired promises to solve problems he has had 12 years to solve"

A bit less impartial application of rules and a bit more sense

Now it seems that the face of face of Tesco is an illegal immigrant. Is there anyone that isn't these days? We at bloggoth just rechecked our birth certificate to make sure.

Even leaving aside our ghastly old bloke sexist motives because she looks rather chewy, she hardly appears the worst of illegal migrants, has a proper job and does not appear to be stabbing anyone. Women rarely present the major problems and maybe with this publicity she could get a decently paid job in modelling.

All in favour of chucking all illegals out but since we seem incapable of doing so, would it not make sense to prioritise, to concentrate on removing the criminals, the potential terrorist threats and the welfare dependent rather than those who actually do not present major problems and might even be successful?

PS: And who look rather chewy
PPS: Funny knees though

Hooray!!! A new waspy coming to Britain

One horde of Asians we at bloggoth will welcome to the UK is a 1.8 inch hornet. A very big jar of jam is waiting.

FUCKING HELL! when will the REAL people of Britain wake up?

That purulent cancer, that pile of rotting excrement, that festering vomit bag full of headlice, the LABOUR PARTY, have the temerity to hold their annual conference in our neck of the woods in Brighton. How dare they? Stay in the bloody North among the ignorant losers who vote for you, we say!

Then we saw an item about protests to be held there, "the Day of rage" We were going to go along, we had our poster planned. Ah! but then look what this "protest" is largely about and who is organising it!

The demonstration is being jointly supported by the University and College Union, the National Union of Journalists, the National Union of Teachers, the Public and Commercial Services Union, rail union RMT, the Communication Workers Union, the Stop The War Coalition and Unite Against Fascism.

We have no objection to protests against pointless wars, we have no big problem with the NUT, one of the UK's more sensible unions, but for the rest? Overgrown students who feel they can dictate society's direction while contributing nothing to it, unions protecting pointless jobs that can be done better and far cheaper by computerised systems and Trotskiest leftists out to destroy British society. Even the cretins from Socialist Worker's Party are going. What any of these would find to disagree with the Labour Party about we have no idea, it is doing a quite splendid job of creating an un-British society of useless parasites.

We may go anyway to see if anyone there is protesting at something halfway sensible. Perhaps a poster about the way that majority opinion is being ignored on immigration, the pandering to backward creeds like Islam, the submission to Europe and the total destruction of incentive by indiscriminate welfare may not go down well. We are getting past caring.

Leave MR T alone

No, not Mr Baracus, he can look after himself, we are referring to Tyrranosaurus Rex.

Yet another study has been published diminishing Mr T by saying he was a very slow runner. Previous so called studies have referred to him as a cowardly attacker of small animals or a lumbering scavenger.

We at bloggoth had a normal dinosaur-obsessed boyhood. We spent much of our pocket money on plastic dinosaurs and much of our time reading about dinosaurs or making model dinosaurs out of plastocene. Mr T was our hero. He was huge, fast, fearless and extremely BITEY. We don't like these theories that diminish our Idol. What next, T Rex was actually an unemployed drug addict who would suck you off behind the skip for the price of his next fix?

PS We got so excited by the thought of being sucked off by a T Rex we just had to go into the bedroom and play with ourselves. Who wouldn't?

Serious science

We at bloggoth are very envious of Mr Snail's Tales field work posts, like this one, that attract serious comment from other highly intelligent snail-obsessed people.

We want to be taken seriously too and would therefore like to present this scientific post about the habits of jam-seeking waspies. We have observed the following behaviour among waspies supplied with jam:

  1. Waspies will always seek the newest bit of jam in preference to old bits of jam. We surmise this may be due to higher quantity of exudation of the volatile aromatic components of said jam.

  2. If there are two bits of jam of equal freshness, waspies will always go for the larger even though the presence of far more waspies there means there is much less jam per waspy head and they have to jostle for position. The reasons for this are unclear although it may be due to waspies being social animals with many from the same nest.

  3. Given equal quantities of jam of equal freshness on a dull object like a piece of wood and a shiny object like a spoon waspies will mainly go for the latter. Waspies clearly like shiney things like anybody else.

Serious erudite comment on this valuable research is welcome from entymologists everywhere.

We must do something! But why if it will acheive nothing?

Successful human societies have a lot more in common with ant colonies than we like to think. It doesn't matter if you have some brilliant individuals if you don't have many more energetic lesser mortals to implement the mundane aspects of their ideas. It doesn't matter if you have willing and energetic people if you don't have the organisers to put it all together, the organisations and the structures to make it all happen.

The provision of wells in Africa was supposed to be better than the quick fix of providing food aid, it allowed Africans to continue farming and feeding themselves. It has not actually proved to be much of a long term solution as many wells are falling into disrepair. The locals who need them are not necessarily to blame; would you want to be lowered 100 feet down a narrow shaft on a rope and start digging at crumbling walls? we wouldn't. This task probably does not require enormous resources as wells do not need constant repair but it does need organisation, a government with a program to provide the machinery and expertise when and where required.

Once again we are hearing about the need for aid to East Africa due to continuing drought. The major countries of this region are Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia, all afflicted to greater or lesser extent by wars and tribal conflicts. Sometimes it is the provision of water pipes and boreholes that triggers them.

In Kenya perhaps it may help but in these other countries, what will any sort of aid acheive? What is spent on the ordinary people (after the rake offs by Western companies, African governments, local warlords and gangsters and wastage by relief agencies) will only provide more mouths requiring a bigger aid package the next time.

Without stability and proper organisation in the countries concerned, international aid is money wasted.

Unnatural concerns

Nature has provided us with various emotional defence mechanisms that help to ensure the continuance of our species. We feel love for our own families in order that we will provide for them, we feel anger when they are threatened in order that we will protect them, we feel empathy for and assist those like us so that they will do the same and that our tribe may survive.

It is not desirable to give free rein to our natural impulses in a civilised society with sensible laws and rules but that does not mean we should redirect them to to unnatural ends, that natural feelings for our own should transmute into an unnatural affection for mankind in general. International news coverage creates a problem by bringing news, with pictures, of suffering from every corner of the globe and it triggers those natural responses; it is like seeing a neighbour in trouble and we want to help. *Note 1

Unfortunately, apart from the very superficial understanding we glean from those same news stories, we know nothing about their situation or their problems. Maybe our aid, as we noted above, will be completely pointless. When we intervene politically or militarily in disputes, can we be sure we are being fair to the other side? That the villians really are who the news tells us they are? In Sudan those nasty Muslim Arabs are attacking innocent black Animists and burning their villages for no reason at all. In Bosnia those horrible Nazi Serbs were committing all the atrocities out of hatred of Muslims. But were those the entire facts? What was the background to the disputes before the media got interested? If you talked to one of the villains, how would they see it?

Those of us who do not believe in a soul or that man has any intrinsic value might also query what the point of this unnatural global concern really is. Nature has programmed us to care for our own and every involuntary distribution of the wealth we would seek to spend on them diminishes our incentive to make an effort. As the dismal performance of the national economies in the USSR surely showed, distribution to the less successful comes at the cost of reduced performance of the society.

Trying to help every man diminishes mankind.

Note 1: Unless it was MR PIKEY SCUM obviously.

Shut it down

The dispute behind the postal strike is of course a complex issue. It is amazing that so many people feel they should comment on issues like this without any real knowledge of them.

We at bloggoth know a good deal about it. We almost applied for a temporary Christmas post job once although we didn't actually get round to it. And we once had a dream about being a postman, or was it a penguin? Dreams fade so quickly when you wake up. We do know that the damn postman or some leafleters or both have dislodged a rock on our front wall by stepping over it from next door instead of going round the front. And they never drop elastic bands round here. We needed one the other day to hold our spectacle case together but couldn't find one. Bastards, the lot of them.

In our informed opinion they should shut the post office down and sack them all.

Continuing the fight

Ever since this utterly shit government introduced these so called anti terrorism laws it has been clear they should be more properly called citizen surveillance laws. Misuse by local authorities has abounded; this recent case is typical.

Oddly, nobody appears to have asked why on earth these powers should be legally available to councils in general anyway. One can see they may be necessary to specific organisations funded or controlled by councils such as the local judiciary, police and other emergency services but why to other council departments? Surely, if this government was sincere about its intentions, the roles of the officials to which these powers are available should be closely specified.

If council officials had cause to suspect a real terrorist plot one would hope they would inform the police or anti terror units rather than attempt to tackle it themselves. Oh wait, hang on a minute, given the average council's immense capacity for spying, meddling and red tape maybe that isn't such a bad idea.

The British are beating us Osama! Our bomb factory in Birmingham is going nowhere!

The council kept filming us to reassess our council tax banding, they broke in to see if our hedges were above the regulation height and then they fined us for illegally putting hydrogen peroxide waste in the wrong bin!

Now they have insisted that if we want a bomb factory we will have to submit this 1000 page change of use application!

Let's look beyond the sympathy next time

The news that Aceh province has become the latest part of the world to suffer the imposition of the worst form of the vile creed of Islam has largely gone unreported in the UK. Wouldn't want to shake up any comfortable beliefs about all those nice Muslims would we?

Their business we suppose, we at bloggoth are not in favour of interfering in other peoples' cultures as

  1. We get pissed off with other people interfering in ours,
  2. It rarely produces the desired results and
  3. Threats could be much more cheaply countered by controlling our borders properly and keeping up our defensive military strength.

But how crazy the world sympathy for Aceh and the political support for its independence looks in hindsight. Not interfering in other people's cultures sure as hell doesn't mean we should be rushing in to save them.

There are other parts of the world where Muslim lands are occupied and/or it is Muslims who are marginalised or even persecuted, parts of China and India, Burma, Sri Lanka or the occupied West Bank for example. With the lessons of Aceh fresh in our memories maybe we should learn to look the other way.


We at bloggoth do not claim to know what Obummer's exact plans for healthcare are and cannot really be arsed to find out; it isn't our country or our taxes after all. We have our reservations based on the mess we have in the UK but then, according to an article that we also cannot be arsed to look for, the existing system in the US is pretty expensive and inefficient too and the cost are rocketing.

We will therefore not comment on Obummer's plans but we will comment on one piece of related news. Up to two million have marched to Capitol Hill to protest about them.

Way to go Yanks! Maybe if we in the UK could muster a couple of million *Note in protest at the actions of this government our country would not be the shitty place it has become.

Note: True we have a smaller population but our capital is in a much more densely populated area and those outside it have nothing like the same distance to travel.

Be quiet and accept your fate

Rather typically for this blithering government a minister has compared the EDL and SIOE to the Blackshirts, accusing them of deliberately provoking violence.

Maybe he should draw some conclusions from just how very, very easy it seems to be to provoke violence among Muslims and how indiscriminate this violence often is in its choice of targets. In this instance only about 15 of these "facists" turned up after the event was cancelled, whereupon about 1000 Islamists and their leftist allies chased them away. Job done, a reasonable anti facist might say but then these Islamists once again turned on the police. In the last clash in Birmingham "South Asian youths", a slur on harmless Sickhs and Hindus if ever there was one, ran amock in the streets terrorising the populace.

Military actions by Western governments in Muslim countries? Let's blow up some trains or embassies, never mind if some of the casualties are citizens of countries not involved in the conflict or opposed to the actions concerned or are women and kids. Insult to Islam? Let's shoot a few nuns, burn some churches or behead some aid workers. Let's marginalise or kidnap those of other faiths, let's routinely persecute them. Don't any of the things done in the name of Islam throughout the world give rise to the tiniest concern about the nature of this creed and far too many of its followers? About how little non Muslims count in their consideration?

Ah! But according to this minister it is all the other side's fault for provoking the violence. The SIOE and EDL insist that supporters at these rallies act with restraint, do not use any violent, confrontational or racist language and do not carry any racist signs or flags or those associated with any political parties. What more are they supposed to do? Maybe this cretinous minister would like to spell out just how those opposed to the undemocratic and irrational creed of Islam, those of us who have actually read the Qu'ran and the Haddiths and looked at the laws and the treatment of non Muslims, apostates and heretics in the Islamic world, should be able to present legitimate concerns about a growing political movement which does not recognise individual freedom or true democracy. Write to our MP? Start a Downing Street petition? We all know how pointless those actions are is in our joke of a democracy.

Clearly the only response to Islam that is actually permitted is to be silent.

Big waspy

Our supply of jam for waspies has now started to attract hornets.

Nice to see a not very common UK species in the xoggoth garden but on the other hand they do tend to scare away the ordinary waspies. That bit of jam would normally be heaving but when the hornet is there one or two wasps nibbling cautiously away on the far side is the norm.

One or two hornets don't eat anywhere near as much as a horde of little waspies so the jam is still there after dark. Something, badger or fox probably, scoffs the lot and leaves the trays scattered all over the lawn.

A lie requires intent but that's just nitpicking

We just got round to looking at what that "You lie" news was from the US. Obummer had just said that extending health care to all Americans who seek it would not mean insuring illegal immigrants. He may think that is true but the reality of free health care in the UK indicates that it won't be.

And that's assuming the Yanks under Obummer are not stupid enough to land themselves with a vaguely written human rights act that allows non citizens to demand that we provide for them. That his will not be a lefty government that talks tough but constantly spends more and more of our money on these people while denying treatment on cost grounds to the citizens who have funded the service.

The latest move is to provide NHS on demand to the "failed asylum seeker" subspecies of illegal immigrant. This article sums up the idiocy of that rather well in our view.

Now we are getting to the truth

A few items back we referred to the way that the UAF alliance of leftists and militant Muslims began most of the violence at "right wing" rallies and the way that an organisation with a legitimate objective, opposition to allowing the backward principles of Islam to override the civilised principles of our society, is smeered by them and the press.

An article in The Times now confirms that Muslims were urged to confront and "vent their feelings" against protesters that they apparently described as anti-Islamic although the EDL has stated on their website that they only oppose militant Islam, not Islam in general and they made every reasonable effort to discourage attendance by less savoury elements with a wider agenda.

Apart from use of "right wing" in headlines the press were not as generally hostile to the EDL as they might once have been. Only the leftist dimwit rag The Mirror used the far right smeer. The other main smeerer was The Daily Mail in another of it's regular unbalanced forays to try and show it doesn't really deserve its right wing tag. Almost all of them, including the BBC, mentioned the EDL's reasonable intentions as stated on their website and the "liberal left" Guardian quoted a moderate EDL supporter without The Mail's sneering context.

Just maybe some in the establishment are starting to wake up about the reality of Islam too. We can but hope.

Why the world is so shit?

We at bloggoth never imagined we would defend {Lying Scottish C* ... Brownstuff} but on the few occasions when we have not been able to reach the remote quick enough we have not seen much problem with his speaking style. It is fairly concise and to the point and if he likes to put in lots of stats, well, what's wrong with presenting facts to back an argument? (Assuming they were actually true obviously)

It seems that empty windbag Obummer found him lacklustre while admiring the 'verve and dynamism' of that other empty windbag David Cameron.

Oh for a world where substance is more important than presentation, where sound properly researched policies are more important than fancy speeches, where practicality is more important than unworkable idealism and where sense is more important than charisma.

Incredibly Fecund Woman

Another in the alternative Superheros series.

Hurrah for Incredibly Fecund Woman!

That explains a lot

We have mentioned before {Lying Scottish C* ... Brownstuff}'s repetition of certain phrases, like "Invest in public services" but then a lot of people do that, especially politicans. His habit, when chancellor, of micromanaging and continually tinkering with the tax system was legendary and we have all suffered as a result. The cost of his ridiculous Hokey Cokey on Corporation Tax alone must have cost business enough to fund several large hospitals.

An item in Old Holburn suggests that the bloke is mentally ill and has been for a long time.


Following on from the New Adventures of Supertalibanman and Supertalibanwoman we at bloggoth are proud to present another in the series of totally awful superheros. They all gained their superpowers as a result of unlikely accidents in laboratories or something which we can't be arsed to make up. Unlike the Marvel characters ours at least have realistic personalities and aren't a bunch of twatty goody-goodies. Watch out for Moleman and Extraordinarily Fecund Woman shortly.

Climate Change Man

Hurrah for Climate Change Man!

Good for them

The press continually refer to the English Defence League as "Right wing". It is probably true that there are some in the English Defence League who have objectives beyond confrontation of radical Islam but what does that prove? Trotskiests are probably more likely to support Labour than the Tories, does that make the Labour party a radical communist organisation? You cannot condemn a movement with a legitimate objective simply because it attracts some unsavoury supporters who see that legitimate objective as a first step to less acceptable ones.

The EDL have every right to oppose militant Islam and the leftists who support it. The UAF are scum, they use every trick in the book to smear anyone who disagrees with them, when violence starts at these demos it is the UAF and the Islamists (to date anyway) who begin it. This is what the English defence League have to say on their website. We at bloggoth agree entirely.

Fifteen years ago, Islamic terrorism mostly seemed to be a Middle Eastern phenomenum, Pakistanis of that generation generally seemed to have their heads screwed on. Now because of this fecking government's idiotic foreign policies and the way they have turned a blind eye to extremism, providing a safe haven to radical groups, allowing people like Hamza to carry on preaching and letting in hoardes of benefit-dependent non-English speaking Imams, too many Pakistani youths hold extremist views. The joys of an explosion of extremism among Bangladeshi youth is another delight we almost certainly have to look forward to.

It is reasonable to expect that any wishing to migrate to another country should be prepared to adopt the core principles of that society but for far too long we British have been expected to bend our laws to suit every newcomer. This cannot be allowed to continue and if the government will not act to protect British society and British values then it is reassuring that somebody, right wing or not, is prepared to do so.

There have been more clashes in Birmingham. Let us hope the British are learning to fight back.


The headline in The Daily Mirror says "20 held in far-right demo" conveying the impression that hordes of tattooed neo nazis have run amock abusing innocent ethnic bystanders. We will have to see if the truth about who was mainly attacking who comes out but Google news has more detail that rather suggests where the violence really came from.

Sky News television footage showed police confining members of the English Defense League inside pubs as counter demonstrators held up placards and shouted slogans nearby. The broadcaster said many of the protesters were loaded onto buses and subsequently arrested.

It also showed footage of counter-demonstrators of South Asian descent throwing objects, running down streets and clashing with police. One clip showed passers-by screaming and running for cover as they overran a downtown street.

Has there ever been a nation where the establishment has so connived to deny the perfectly valid desire of a people for a culture and a society of their own making and to so smeer those who peacefully dare to ask for it? Well, actually yes, in Vienna, 1907 and look what it did to once reasonable and tolerant attitudes of those continually denied it.


You leave things behind and they don't mean a thing anymore. Then a door opens and you're back. A reference on Hairy Arsed Bloke to a Moody Blues song made me dig out the CDs I've hardly played since buying them. Back in 1970, Sydney, Australia I played the LPs over and over and over to keep the panic out. It almost worked.

Does any of that make sense?

The religious tell us there is only one god, the one that created our universe is the same one that we must please and appease in order to obtain eternal life.

A small problem is that the underlying principles that apply to this god-created natural world bear no resemblance whatever to the principles we are taught to follow. Old or young or not even born, individual animals mean nothing, they die in their billions to feed some other creature or for no discernable reason whatever, they die quickly or slowly and painfully and it doesn't matter. Nature does not give a damn about individuals. The only thing one can discern is that, barring a few dead ends, there is a gradual evolution of life itself.

The god who created this system is the same one that tells us that the meek are blessed, to love our neigbour as ourself or that there is individual salvation? Is god schizophrenic?

But does it really matter?

Now we have retired we at bloggoth have a few ambitions, our bucket list, before we snuff it. One of our smaller ambitions is to explore more of the country round here. This is the local graveyard. I am definitely going for a deathbed conversion.


Some things cling to life. This pine tree isn't going to let a little thing like hardly any soil beat it.

Check this out

Black music has been going downhill for years, Jazz/Blues BRILLIANT, Soul okish, hiphop/rap total crap. But there are exceptions to everything, we like this one. With the Russian army??? We could dance like that once. Sigh.


The Great God Sod (whose works are made manifest daily unlike those of the false gods) is nowhere more active than in his targetting of the male bald bit.

Every damn thing targets our bald bit. In the last few weeks we have bashed it on a branch while cutting some trees, bashed it on the sharp edge of an arbour we were moving(twice) and bashed it on the door mechanism while storing stuff in the garage. We want to get a haircut but are embarrassed to present a head covered in scabs. It is now a week since the last bashing and it is about healed, hopefully we can get a haircut soon before something else happens.

Cutting edge

As the non-existent readership of bloggoth will know we are always topical and at the forefront of current political thinking. So which would win between an Ankylosaurus and a Glyptodon?

Are waspies racist?

Not that you horrible waspy flapping lot out there would notice but there are several species of waspy in the UK and some look very similar.

Although they do scrap a bit when another disturbs them, waspies will mostly feed amicably together as in the previous picture. However, on a few occasions another type of waspy visits, slightly larger than the common waspy and with different markings, rather more black. The common waspies hate it and it gets attacked. Hmmm. Bit National Fronty there waspies!

Yes, it's....

Waspy Jam Time!

Better than the Notting hill Carnival anyway.

Commenty boxy thing

Post comments here. Promises of money or ecstatic praise only please. Anything remotely critical will be removed. If you do not agree with me you are clearly insane.

A grasp of basic mathematics would help

In our career we at bloggoth have done a lot of mathematical modelling and computer simulation. It would help if some otherwise intelligent and educated people would at least study the basics.

In purely subjective terms many would say that overpopulation is already a problem that degrades our everyday quality of life. If you go for what should be a pleasant day out you usually get stuck in traffic and the attraction you are visiting is overcrowded. Every little town and village is being spoiled by infill housing and our countryside and green belts and sports fields are constantly under threat. Our roads and our hospitals are struggling to cope. Shortages of power, food and water are predicted.

This article in The Times, probably the most stupid, illogical and ignorant I have read in any paper, dismisses all concerns as ill informed and often ill intentioned.

Population increase causes none of the problems commonly ascribed to it. We face crises of biodiversity and resources - but because of our madcap consumption, not our numbers. In the 20th century, world population increased roughly fourfold, while per capita consumption has increased some nineteenfold - and, of course, that overindulgence was overwhelmingly concentrated in a few Western countries. With reasonable restraints on consumption, we could have experienced a hugely bigger population rise without greater stress.

A little basic maths here. Every person is a consumer, they need space, housing, food, power etc and the requirement for these things varies with the number of people. It is true that the constant of proportionality may be varied by the extent of our profligacy but that does not take away the relationship. To just blithely assume that our madcap consumption can be soon sorted, if it can at all, is wishful thinking, not a basis for sound policy. There is the usual implication that only the greedy West is overindulgent, that somehow the rest of the world is more enlightened. Has he noticed the greed of those, even in the third world, who have the money and power to serve themselves? Has he seen what is happening in the wealthier cities of China and India?

It is also true that there are many lags in the relationship, for example, poor migrants do not instantly add to pressure on the roads as they cannot afford cars. Sooner or later however, greater affluence means they are likely to be making the same demands on our resources as anyone else. If there are going to be limits on our waste they may be ones forced on us by shortage and consequent high prices. The higher the population, the higher the demand, the higher the demand, the greater the pain these shortages will produce.

Naturally we have the usual myth about needing these young migrants to support our ageing population:

The downside is the aged population that all prosperous countries face. Britain’s indigenous population is fairly advanced along the road towards long-term decline.

So the latest figures are a source of hope - showing that relatively fertile immigrants can, at least for a while, replenish the new generation of young people the country needs

The slight problem with that is that many in our ageing population have actually done a much better job of providing for their own old age than far too many of these new migrants have. Yes, it perfectly true that some migrant groups, Indians and Chinese being the largest, do better than the British average and such people really are a benefit but unfortunately these successful groups are not the ones contributing to this population growth. Here is a quote from some published government statistics on welfare: *Note 1

In 2000/01 Pakistani and Bangladeshi households in Great Britain were more reliant than other groups on social security benefits ? which made up nearly a fifth (19 per cent) of their gross income. Benefits were also a considerable source of income for the Black group (15 per cent).

Now have a look at the ONS birth rate statistics in this BBC item.

Population growth  
Black (Mixed): 49%
Black (African): 37%
Bangladeshi: 30%
Pakistani: 13%
Chinese: 5%
Indian: 4%
White: 1%
Black (Caribbean): 0%
Source: ONS  

So much of this baby boom is actually among Britain's least successful and most welfare dependent groups. By what bizarre mathematics are increases in these groups going to finance, not only their own pensions but the pensions of those who are better off than themselves? This migrant fuelled boon, far from helping to pay for the pensions of our ageing population is just increasing the number of people who are not even contributing towards their own. The real subsidy here is that many who have saved towards their pensions would actually have managed to save rather more if not for the taxes they have paid to provide migrant welfare.

Note 1: This bracketing with Bangadeshis is actually extremely unfair to Pakistanis. From other respectable sources the latter are not far behind the average, unlike the former who are way behind on every measure. Their social and geographical immobility also make them less likely than others to catch up in what is anyway a socially stagnant society. The correlation of economic uselessness to birth rate is far greater than that paragraph suggests.

Just maybe

Darned if I can recall where but I recently read a blog that suggested that government policy was largely controlled by the Rothschilds. Wherever ministers go socially, there they are, wherever there are high level official meetings, they are nearby. Thought it was a bit of Illuminati type nuttiness at the time, now I'm not so sure.

PS Update: Found it, it was Old Rightie. Maybe he is.

Sod Gatwick

When me and missus go out for a sit in the garden what should be a nice clear evening is often spoiled by hazy clouds. That's nature eh? Except that much of the time nature has nothing to do with it. It's those friggin planes! Here is how one trail evolves as it drifts across.

When parts of the sky often look like this is in any wonder the whole thing is often hazy?

The CCTV channel

It seems that CCTVs are largely a waste of money as they provide little or no protection or security and that will be even more true after the muggers and rapists read this news story.

So why not make them pay for themselves? Idiots spend ages watching uncouth people wandering about in Big Brother. If we fed every CCTV in the country into a huge multiplexing TV subscription channel and you could press the red button to watch whichever one you wanted there would be loads of paying customers. Many would be inclined to report crimes they saw so the detection rate would go up too.

Your wife might catch you going into the Kittens Massage Parlour but there are slight drawbacks to anything.

As in

The feckin EU is to cost us even more. The Treasury has said it was right for the UK "to share the burden of membership with new accession countries".

Just as a beggar "shares the burden" with me when I give him a pound presumably. If the EU is a burden for all of us WTF are any of us in it?

Good comparison

The shadow home secretary has said that much of crime ridden Britain resembles the US TV show The Wire. Yeh, there are a lot of resemblances, especially the way that this crime is so prevalent among the, ahem, poorer communities.

Life cycle of the Jumbo Jet

There are loads of Dragonflies in the bloggoth garden, often busy mating in that curious Dragonfly way, flying with the bum of one stuck in the back of the head of the other. Which is the male and which is the female in this curious arrangement we are not sure but needless to say we at bloggoth are extremely envious.

Anyway, it inspired us to do a proper scientific item about the life cycle of another well known creature.

The Jumbo Jet (Beoingus 747us) mates in flight. Here we see the slightly smaller male on top. After mating he risks being eaten by the female. The female lays several eggs, known as Portaloos, at theme parks, rock venues and other suitable habitats. The larva are carnivorous and eat people. In major cities like London they live in underground burrows.
The larva normally pupate on hills and other high points. The bulk of the pupa develops underground and the structure you see here is the breathing tube. After a year the adult Jumbo Jet emerges from the pupa. It may be several hours before its wings harden and it can fly. The adults live in nests known as airports and like the larva, eat people.

Commenty boxy thing

Post comments here. Promises of money or ecstatic praise only please. Anything remotely critical will be removed. If you do not agree with me you are clearly insane.

Why can't Twitter take over the entire media?

It is very boring going to the gym and the infernal dimwit pop music they play at LA Fitness does not help. Fortunately, they have four TV screens in front of the exercise machines and you can plug in earphones and listen to the program of your choice. Time goes much quicker if you can watch the Sky News while running. Not the last few day though, 5 minutes, 10,15, 20 minutes. The feckin news about Magrahi goes on and on and on. WTF is there to keep talking about? We should have Twitter type channels where only a few key points can be made on any issue. For this whole boring affair these would be:

Anything else? Oh yes, he appeared to wear a stupid hat. Now, CAN WE JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP about it? Anything happening on Big Brother tonight?

Up yours 1

There is talk of a US boycott of British goods Hey! That would be a fucking surprise!

Despite all the news about the inadequate funding for UK forces, the UK is the main contributor to NATO forces in Afghanistan after the US and was the US's main supporter in Iraq. But never mind that! How dare the UK disagree with the US line on any issue?

No offence to our single regular US visitor among the non existent readers of bloggoth but the US is the suckiest most ungrateful ally any nation could possibly have. They pulled the plug on us in Suez, gave us zero political support in the Falklands, continually refused to stop IRA funding in the US when they were blowing up our cities and only acted when it suited them to confront terrorism after 9/11. They gave out all the lucrative contracts in Iraq to US firms and the UK did not get a look in. We have an extradition treaty that only the UK observes to the detriment of our citizens while their fucking Congress refuses to ratify it. We used to have US nuclear bases here, not for our protection but to protect the US. We would have been in the nuclear front line and got blown to hell and they would have gained valuable response time to protect their own territory. Rather like the so called independent British nuclear deterrent based on US missiles. We pay for it, they get to decide if and when it is used.

Any rift between the UK and the US can only be a good thing. We might start operating as an independent nation.

Up yours 2

It's Ramadan (roughly, apparently it is not a fixed date but varies with the moon or something).

Why such a generalised up yours, we hear the non existent readership cry? Many Muslims are jolly nice people and they are not all fanatics. We do not disagree but we have read the Qu'ran and the Haddiths and have looked in some detail at what goes on in Islamic countries, even the so called moderate ones full of jolly nice people and it sucks! So they don't cut off hands and stone people but NO LAWS should be based on religious text, ever. We certainly do not want that crap in the UK.

Terrorists are not the problem, Fundamentalists are not the problem, Islam is the problem.

Insane, but so typical of the UK under the New Labour SCUM

Romanian towns enriched by UK benefit fraud. Is it any wonder that those who actually earn their wealth seek to avoid paying tax when it is wasted like this?

The New Adventures of Supertalibanman

A five storey block of flats is on fire and people are trapped Supertalibanman hears their cries for help with his superhearing He flies there after finishing his prayers, ensuring he come from the direction of Mecca He does not rescue anyone on the first flooor as they are infidels and their women are immodestly dressed
He does not rescue anyone on the second floor as a dog is loose and has made it unclean He does not rescue the Muslim men on the third floor because a billboard there advertises alcohol He cannot rescue the Muslim women on the fourth floor as he is not their husband and cannot touch them He rescues what appears to be a Muslim boy on the roof
 Hurrah for Supertalibanman!
The little boy's pyjama bottoms fall off in the air stream revealing he is uncircumcised.
Supertalibanman drops him

The New Adventures of Supertalibanwoman

A five storey block of flats is on fire and people are trapped Supertalibanwoman hears their cries for help with her superhearing She ensures she is modestly dressed to leave the house She waits for her husband to come home so that she can seek his permission to go out
As the flats are more than 2km away she must have a chaperone and waits for her mother in law to arrive She flies off holding her chaperone Unfortunately, she cannot see properly in her Burka and ends up in the Antarctic She eventually arrives at the flats to find they have burnt down and everyone has perished.
 Hurrah for Supertalibanwoman!

Some individual instances prove a point, some don't

People will often accuse the papers of stirring up ill feeling by their articles. When The Daily Mail, for instance, carried an article about an asylum seeker living in a million pound house some said it was ridiculous to make a fuss about what was a very rare circumstance, it stirred up ill feeling about asylum seekers generally.

There is a complete lack of logic in that argument as

  1. That single instance illustrated the entire problem by itself. The rules should simply not allow foreigners who have never contributed to our society to benefit from our taxes to that extent. Ever. That case should not be confused with publicity about, say, a crime by one. An instance in that case would prove nothing, you need to look at the frequency of the cases and the statistics.

  2. If the papers should not cover stories on the grounds that some will vent their frustration\anger on the wrong targets, and some always will, how can we have any free speech at all? Perhaps papers should not identify paedophiles on the grounds that it stirs up suspicion against us scruffy middle aged white males.


It looks likely that the Lockerie bomber will be sent back to Libya despite US opposition. As has been hinted in the media this was probably less about compassion than politics. According to this it was all about an oil deal with Gaddafi arranged by He-who-Must-Be-Stabbed.

Critics are suspicious that Mr Blair's deal was part of an attempt to develop closer relations with the former pariah state to protect Britain's oil interests.

Susan Cohen, whose only child Theodora, 20, was killed in the bombing, said: 'Tony Blair has behaved absolutely appallingly. Some people would describe it as blood money'

'He put compassion for the oil industry ahead of any compassion for my daughter, for the families of all those people killed by a convicted mass murderer and terrorist.

One cannot blame relatives for feeling as they do but if this story is true we would for once heartily applaud He-who-Must-Be-Stabbed for his efforts. Megrahi is no longer any sort of threat and release is a sensible move that puts the interests of a British company, and therefore that of all of us, ahead of sentimentality.

Just for once it will also show that someone in the UK is capable of an independent decision in the British interest rather than being coerced by the entirely one-sided relationship with the US.

Update: We were watching the news of the actual release at the gym. Naturally somebody said this would encourage would-be terrorists as they could be be confident of being released sooner or later. Some said much the same thing about Biggs. Knowing they would be released provided that they were terminally ill and had only a short time to live? I don't think many sane people would find that terribly encouraging somehow.

What is it with that word?

We at bloggoth swear a bit on here but not like some, that tedious Devil's Kitchen bloke for example. It seems that Bob Ainsworth is the new figure of hate since Jacquie Smith resigned. She was one too, at least she had one. Do a Google for Gordon Brown is a cunt, far more sites than Gordon Brown is an arsehole. Definitely the nation's favourite word. They should have a prize.

Without irrational intolerant dogma can you have a religion at all?

One site I have considered putting a link to is Muslims against Shariah. The only reason I have not is because I am rather puzzled by it, the names of all the Muslims(?) contributing to the blog sound about as Muslim as mine does. They have a list of the verses from the Qu'ran that they believe should be removed from it or marked as outdated or invalid because they promote divisiveness and hatred.

That's a pretty long page and it only includes the titles of the 3 Suras they want deleted in their entirety. *Note 1 As anyone knows who has read it (and many of the non-Muslim idiots who defend Islam clearly haven't) the Qu'ran is a little book, not like the Bible. If you take away the barbarism and intolerance from the Qu'ran and the Haddiths *Note 2 what is left? Not a lot in the literal sense.

In another sense you leave nothing. Either the text is the word of god or it isn't. If men can pick and choose what to exclude then how can you have any faith in what remains? It is only the result of human judgement after all. What is left of any religion if you can decide for yourself which teachings are right and which are not? How is that different from the sensible option of men forming their own moral values?

Note 1: Including Sura 9, which is one of the longer ones.
Note 2: Much of the Haddith text is irrelevant trivia about the prophet anyway, neither enlightening nor unnaceptable.

A society going backwards

We should not tolerate abuse purely on grounds of different colour/culture and neither should we point out every defect of other cultures without good reason. We don't want to offend the decent ones and there is some merit in political correctness when applied to UK citizens as we need to encourage rather than denigrate. It is in all our interests that they succeed and assimilate.

However, we should certainly be free to object to completely unacceptable cultural views and practices being imported into our country, especially when they directly affect the rest of us or are likely to change our culture for the worse. Immigration is now bringing back creationism and belief in witchcraft, the view that religious text should shape our laws, the idea that it is ok to persecute homosexuals, the subordination of women, forced marriage, honour killings, ritual slaughter of animals and the denial of rights of people to choose their religion.

Yet even opposition to these things is not permissable in some quarters in the UK. What we have is not anti-racism but an inverted racism whereby criticism of any belief or practice is tabboo if the believer or practitioner is not a white Britain. This government continually fails to act and enforce the law as it would against the white British.

Everywhere in the UK, by the left, by spineless sorts who are too afraid of being called racist to say anything, and especially by our awful authorities, you see capitulation and deference to third world barbarism.

What the hell has been the point of the last 200 years of progress in British society?

An essential watch

Mostly we at bloggoth allow the sites linked to at left to inform on Islam because a) they do it better b) we feel happier when posting rude and rubbish rather than rant and c) we are too frigging lazy. However, this is essential watching that needs the publicity of zero extra viewers from among the non-existent readers of bloggoth. Wake up idiots.

A step in the right direction

We see that a rat eating plant has been discovered in the Phillipines and named after Richard Attenborough.

What we at bloggoth would like to discover in our own garden is a CAT eating plant. Fecking little furry bastards, skulking around the bird table, killing our birds and shitting behind our shed and in the dust area we make for the sparrows. Why are people allowed to keep these boring, creepy little animals if they can't keep them in their own gardens?

These things might also be big enough to gobble up small children. That would be a bonus.

And another

Motorists torch speed cameras

The Republicans are right - the NHS does suck

Not following the NHS "model" does not mean that those who cannot afford insurance or necessary treatment go without. Plenty of countries that do not follow the NHS model will provide care for those who cannot afford insurance. In Australia, France and other countries all necessary basic treatment is provided to such people. Those who wish to do so can use insurance to get extra luxuries in hospital or additional health services.

At least the spiteful socialist policy of denying NHS treatment to those purchasing additional treatments has been got rid of but wastage and inefficiency is a big problem. Take away a free market where reward is related to success in pleasing the customer and you get excessive bureaucracy, vastly overpaid doctors and enormous levels of staff sickness. A second problem is the provision of those inessential things that should more properly be covered by additional insurance, like purely cosmetic surgery or fertility treatment, while others are being denied essential drugs on cost grounds.

We note that Obummer's step mother has defended the NHS, saying it saved her life with treatment she could not otherwise have afforded. Kidney failure, pancreatic problems, two hip transplants, hardly surprising she could not afford it. She was not a British citizen and, as far as we can discover, has never contributed financially to the UK. That rather sums up the other big problem with the NHS that you would not get with a system funded entirely through insurance.

Special treatment breeds resentment

Studies on monkey and apes have indicated that all primates have an instinctive sense of fairness.

The animals were asked to perform a set of simple tasks and then rewarded with food or affection. The rewards were varied, seemingly at random. De Waal found the animals had an acute sense of fairness and objected strongly when others were rewarded more than themselves for the same task, often sulking and refusing to take part any further.

So why is it that our stupid authorities cannot grasp the simple fact that humans deeply resent special treatment without good reason? Here is the main picture from the front page of a local government magazine (in a largely white area) about training courses. We at bloggoth love government publications, we get to play our favourite game - "Spot the white person"

It is perfectly reasonable that British citizens of other ethnic origins should feel included and roughly proportionate representation is fine with us but whenever government publications or sites are concerned why are we whites made to feel like a minority? *Note 1. If there is a picture of one person he/she will probably be black. If there are three people, two will probably be black or Asian. Trivial perhaps but it stirs up resentment and many will feel that it indicates an underlying intent of special treatment.

In other areas too, nothing stirs up dislike quite so much as special treatment. It was not the fact that MPs were making big expense claims that caused so much outrage but the fact that they were making them under special tax rules they created only for themselves. Much of the public dislike of travellers is due to resentment that planning laws that apply to everyone else do not appear to apply to them and that special provisions are made for them (out of taxes paid by the rest of) to mitigate the disadvantages of a voluntary lifestyle choice.

Maybe our policy makers should try and grasp the fact that equality, by definition, should apply to all. Even an appearance of favouritism only increases predudice. Scupulous impartiality would go a long way to reduce it.

Note 1: Unless it is about crime or other social problems obviously. The perpetrators are always portrayed by white actors then.

Enough deference to this shitty creed

Talking of special treatment, the DT reports that many swimming pools are allowing special segregated swimming sessions for Muslims. Many pools have always had separate sessions for women if they choose to go to them but this is more than that. Muslim dress code is required, so they are not available for other females. Are there special sessions for Christians, Sikhs, Hindus or Atheists? A brief Google does not bring up any on the net, only those for Muslims. Do Muslims pay extra for this exclusive use of publicly funded facilities? Thought not.

In Afghanistan, as if further proof of the total waste of taxpayer's money there was needed, legislation effectively allows rape in marriage. Let's not have any of that crap about this attitude to women being of extreme Islam only. This attitude is exactly the one peddled by their repulsive prophet in The Haddiths. How can anyone square the idea of "tolerant Islam" with what is in the Qu'ran and Haddiths given their reverence for the book and the man? Tolerant Islam is minority Islam, once they are in charge the tolerance tends to disappear.

Maybe it is time we stopped pissing about and treated islam for the unnaceptable shit that it is. Close Islamic schools, refuse permission for any more Mosques, stop immigration from Muslim countries and stop pandering to their backward crap here. In short, start applying the same tolerance to them as Islamic states apply to people of other faiths.

New story

Inspired by a visit to Bristol zoo. Watchers


According to a recent survey many Britons avoid any exercise. We at bloggoth are incredibly fit and athletic (not to mention stunningly handsome) but we do not think badly of those who lack our godlike willpower and avoid exercise. We are the dinosaurs. They are the future.

Banksy and beyond

Me and missus were in Bristol this weekend and hoped to see the Banksy exhibition. No chance! The queques were about 3 hours long and we couldn't be arsed. He isn't Raphael after all, even if he is far more talented than some other modern artists like Hurst or that dirty bed woman. Don't get us started on Gilbert and George.

What next after graphitti artists? Maybe we could have the "Tattoo Terrorists" You wake up in the morning to find out you have been drugged and various socially relevant images have been tattooed all over your face and body. Who knows? If we had a Tattoo Terrorist version of Banksy who really caught the public imagination you could find your bum was suddenly worth fifty thousand pounds.

As with graffiti artists, most would be talentless nurks who could do no more than "Jimmy woz ere" in big swirly red letters. On a few occasions though, a lack of talent would be forgiveable if the instruments used were big and sharp enough.

That morning the PM woke up groggy with a feeling something was wrong.

Nasty perhaps but the right is not where most violence comes from

It is unfortunate that perfectly valid protest against uncontrolled immigration, the constant belittling of our own culture and the deference given to unnaceptable beliefs and practices of migrants tends to get hijacked by far right groups who actually are what all those unhappy with the situation are accused of being.

The situation on the English Defence League is summed up in Lionheart's article. One suspects from some details in the press that many supporters are not really political, they are dimwits who want an excuse for hooliganism and it hardly matters if they bash rival football supporters or Muslims or any other brownish people.

They do appear to be a most unpleasant lot but nevertheless, time and time again, it is the left and the usual suspects among the migrant\minority communities who deliberately set out with the intent of causing violence at these events. This Times item and the contained pictures rather sum up the situation on the latest violence in Birmingham. How long before it gets pulled/altered we wonder?

Yeh Freddie

We were reminded of this today and dug out our Queen cassette. Note to mean old self. Must get the CD.


We at bloggoth love the idea of battlefield terminators. Groovy. We want one.

But like the author of that article, we are sceptical that they could be programmed to tell friend from foe. Why would US made robots be able to do what their creators have never managed to do reliably themselves?

Way to go Grandpa, we love you!

As idiot religions go, the Catholic church really ain't too bad apart from the contraception crap and most sane Catholics ignore that.

We really don't mind old Pope Grandpa Munster either. His lack of charisma is an asset, people are much less inclined to take his religious bollox seriously as they did with that ghastly Pope John Paul the whatsit

Unfortunately, Grandpa has had a few inept moments and managed to offend a few people *Note 1, eg taking back that holocaust denying Bishop/Cardinal/whatever he was.

It seems he is soon to release a sound track. Well, good on you Grandpa Munster! At least one religious leader has figured out how to connect with today's gnat-like attention span generation! We look forward to seeing you on Big Brother with Ayatollah thingy.

Osama Bin Laden should do a Cliff Richard tribute CD. Who could do Cliff better than another total arsehole?

Note 1: We do not count offending Muslims as an error. That is a religious duty.

That's an idea

Another shooting in the US, I see.

Appalling, the bloke shot some people at the LA Fitness gym. Doesn't xoggoth go to LA Fitness?

Probably some sad misfit whose only friend was a puppet parrot or something.

He ran a rambling blog that nobody ever read until the shooting apparently. Now the contents are reported in all the papers.


The Portrait of Dour and Grey

Millions among the non existent readers of bloggoth will recall that we have {Lying Scottish C* ... Brownstuff}'s alter ego hung on a dead tree trunk in our garden. Here he is in those happier days, cheerily picking his nose and eating it, how we all loved him then!

We tidied our garden at the weekend and it was lying in the leaf litter. It is falling apart and one eye has disappeared entirely. On the other hand, all the disasters of his premiership do not show on the man as much as one would have expected. Could it be that, as in Oscar Wilde's book, our little rubber Gordon is taking upon itself all the physical consequences of the incompetent, evil repulsiveness of the human?

At the end of the novel, the picture goes back to normal and Dorian Grey is made hideous by all the evil coming back to him. Will this happen when GB is ousted as PM? We can but hope.

Want the truth about immigration? Then read The Guardian.

I really don't know why anyone on the nationalist right hates The Guardian. It is an excellent paper.

It always amazes me how very unobservant people are. Oooooh! The Daily mail, The Express, such xenophobic papers! Actually, unless they happen to be living in Britain and claiming benefits, causing crimes or threatening terrorism those papers never mention foreigners at all. Unless there is a major earthquake somewhere, and probably only then if a British citizen is killed, you will never see foreign news on the front page of either. They are not xenophobic at all, they are xenowhogivesafuckic, a very sound and natural viewpoint.

If you want to see what a nonsense uncontrolled third world immigration is, there is only one paper you should read, The Guardian. It is only the liberal left who have any interest in world affairs and it is only liberal left newspapers and websites who ever report in depth on what third world life is like. And what a truly fucking awful world it is! This item today on child rape in Liberia is typical.

After a decade in a refugee camp in neighbouring Guinea, Finda's parents decided to return to their farm in Bong County. But a second war had begun, and in 2002 rebel soldiers came for Finda's father. "They said he was a spy. They beat him until he died. My mother was crying for my father and they beat her and they raped her too," she says.

The soldiers, she doesn't remember how many, also raped Finda, then 15, and forced her to come away with them into the jungle. "They gave me a gun and said I had to go and fight," she says. "They used me as their wife. They killed a lot of people, mostly men. They raped women constantly. Even young, young boys did it." I ask her why she thinks they did this. "I don't know," she says. "They had a gun and they had the power."

Liberia's civil wars were characterised by the extreme abandon with which rival militias terrorised the people. The soldiers who abducted Finda were, she has been told, loyal to the then President Charles Taylor, whose militias included the infamous Butt Naked Battalion, child soldiers out of their minds on speed, marijuana and palm wine. When they weren't naked, they wore women's nightdresses, wigs and make-up.

The excesses of the militias included burning people alive, making people eat the flesh of their murdered relatives, gang-raping women and girls, forcing boys to rape their mothers, placing bets on the sex of a foetus and then disembowelling pregnant women to find out who'd won. An estimated 300,000 people, mostly civilians, were killed, out of a population of just over three million.

This is the reality of much the third world and this is not the BNP telling you this or even The Daily Mail. Almost every week there is something like this in The Gaurdian or Independent, just a few days ago we read about the difficulty girls have getting to school in Uganda, probably one of the more hopeful countries in Africa, without being sexually assaulted. Here are just a few things we recall reading:

Exploitation, conflict and poverty do not create good citizens and it is hardly likely that people raised in them are suddenly going to change their nature the instant they cross our borders. The realities of the third world are a good indication of what we bring into our contry when we let in its people without adequate checks on their records, education, beliefs and attitudes. If you want the awful truth about immigration, don't read The Daily Mail, read The Guardian.

Welcome to Babel

Our local library has a big sign outside the door welcoming people in about 40 different languages including the likes of Hindi, Bengali and Urdu.

There is tourist information available inside and it is perfectly reasonable that provision should be made for tourists with little or no English as they spend money in the town and indirectly pay the wages of many locals. It is also perfectly reasonable that translation services should be on call for anyone in an emergency; if we go abroad to any civilised country we would expect no less.

I doubt we get many tourists from Somalia or Bangladesh somehow. It is absurd to cater as a matter of course for long term residents of this country who do not speak English. At every level, government spends huge amounts of our money informing resident foreign nationals in their own languages on everything they need to know, including claiming benefits.

Two seconds Googling found this page from Swansea council that explains how to claim housing and council tax benefit. Claimants can discuss their needs in over a hundred different languages including Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Bengali, Cantonese, Croatian, Czech, Farsi, Gujerati, Hindi, Kurdish, Mandarin, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Somali, Tamil, Turkish, Urdu and Vietnamese. How the hell can anyone square the idea that migrants are useful to the British economy with them being non-English speaking benefit claimants?

This country gets more insane every day, although it occured to me when I looked in my rear view mirror today that it could still get worse.

At last, a "right" that really should be one

As we have said before, the current legal view of human rights, as if they exist in complete isolation from everyone else's, is a complete nonsense.

There should be be no overriding right not to be sent back to a repressive country for those who are deliberately hostile and threatening to UK citizens, for they have rights to safety. There should be no right to expensive health treatment for non citizens who have contributed nothing to the UK while it refuses treatment to citizens who have contributed all their lives, for they have earned their rights to be first in line. There should be no right to special facilities for the disabled if the cost falls on the businesses and the livelihood of individuals for they have rights to look after themselves and their families ahead of strangers.

There should be no automatic presumption of right to anything whatever for an individual. Rights should be about balancing those of everyone that a given law or action affects and it matters not how desperate the cause of the individual may seem. Most are happy enough to see their taxes used to support the disabled, for example, but can even that be an automatic presumption that takes account only of the disabled individual's circumstances? What if the individual is disabled through wilful disregard of his own safety? Or during the commission of a serious crime? Or has the ability and opportunity to reduce his own dependency but refuses to do so? Far fetched perhaps, but what if there was some plague that caused so many disabled that the taxes on the healthy became a serious disincentive to effort?

In very few cases does an individual's right affect nobody else to any significant extent and one of those is surely the right to choose the time and manner of one's own death. It is a good step in the right direction that the Law Lord's have required clarification on the matter of assisted suicide. Of course we must ensure that the elderly or chronically ill are not subjected to familial or other pressures and safeguards are needed but our own view on that is that the individual's rights over his own life are too important to block due to an occasional case of coerced suicide that might occur.

Again it is all about balance between the individual's rights, the rights of others and the practicalities of public policy. Banning drinking of alcohol on the London Underground is an unfair restriction of the rights of those individuals who drink responsibly but it is such a trivial one and deprives them of a right that is so basically unimportant that it is an acceptable policy to preserve public order. On the other hand, interfering with someone's right over the span of their own life is as about as fundamental as it gets and it is hard to think of any matter of public interest that should override it.

Some may disagree. One hopes that informed and practical opinions will be taken into account. What should have no place whatever in this dialog is crappy opinion based on religious principle. Soul, sanctity of life, what the bible says, who gives a shit?. Religious twats, people's lives are their own and none of your damn business. Take your irrational crap and blow it out your arse.

Religion and time do not fit well together

Perhaps one reason why creationists are so keen to believe that the Earth is only a few thousand years old is that the idea that human society has been round for well over a million years casts doubt on their prophets. If god created man that long ago why did he leave it so long after the fall to send us any guidance? Was nobody before the time of Moses important enough for god to give his commandments to? Or was he a racist who could only be bothered with Jews?

Even sticking with known history, Moses lived in ancient Egypt. What about the poor old Sumerians and Babylonians? Were those before Christ not worth redeeming? Did nobody before Muhammed deserve to receive the true message?

Creeds are locked in the appropriate centuries as well as the culture into which the religion was born. God would know the future and provide clear instructions for any age, avoiding arguments over interpretation. Muhammed could have made it clear that his injunctions against alcohol referred to all drugs. The many terrorists and militants who turn out to be drug addicts obviously do not think so. Are intoxicating drugs ok if necessary to preserve life or reduce suffering? The Qu'ran does not say but omnipotent Allah should have seen that question would arise in the future and added a clarification.

Even the most basic moral laws have been interpreted in all sorts of ways and a real god would have foreseen this. "Thou shalt not kill" for example, could have been followed by "not even to save other lives" assuming that was his intention. Why didn't he if he knew all about Adolph Hitler?

When you look at religious teachings one thing is clear, they are the work of mere men with mere mans' limited perspective.

If governments will not listen to reason they should not be surprised when there no longer is any

As she does every year, the missus is going away for a week with a friend, taking the car and pottering about historic places on the continent. It is therefore very worrying to hear about the attacks on Britains by the dishonest migrant scum that hang about Calais waiting for a chance to get into the UK and leech and prey on the British taxpayer.

As French officials have said, this is a problem created by the British government. It awards asylum status to those who have travelled through many countries contrary to the UN rules, it casually hands out welfare and free NHS treatment to individuals who managed to find thousands to pay people trafficers, it believes people who burn off their own fingerprints or mysteriously lose all their papers at the last minute, it fails to deport them even if their cases are turned down, it allows numerous appeals funded by us due to the adoption of an absurd human rights law and rewards any who continue their deceit and defiance for long enough with permanent residence.

This government ignores the valid concerns of the British about the scale of immigration or the useless, hostile and/or criminal nature of too many immigrants. It has known about the fake colleges scam for ten years and done nothing. It has known about the way migrants exploit lax controls in South Africa for years and failed to introduce visas for travel from that country. It is entitled to remove those from other EU countries on valid grounds but, unlike Italy, it does not do so. It turns a blind eye to immigration loopholes like intra company transfers that would soon be addressed if they were about tax avoidance. It has legal interim controls to manage unsuitable migration from Romania and the other new EU states but does not use them. It introduces new controls that are as weak as water, letting in people for wages that could not possibly support a family without a welfare contribution if a position has been unfilled for a trivial period of time. Much trumpetted new controls are rarely much different from previous controls that were never enforced.

And we, the once tolerant British public, are getting heartily sick of it. Nobody can have failed to notice the way that public comment, whether by bloggers, by commenters on blogs or by commenters to online newspaper items is becoming more extreme and intolerant in recent years. People are far more prepared to vote for or openly defend right wing parties like the BNP too. Most of us can think of decent and useful migrants we have known and figures in public life that we would not want targetted by the idiotically simplistic BNP policies but many have realised that their own way of life is under such threat that they cannot afford to go on letting the protection of these people be their main concern.

Many of those who voted for the BNP probably do not support their policies, they are just hoping that someone in the main parties will pay attention. What if the BNP did eventually make it power? Even for those who are not minorities that is not a pleasant prospect because it is an authoritarian party with a model for society far removed from the liberal one that many of us would like. But failure to control immigration removes many of the objections we might have as the alternatives are at least as bad. Does it make sense to worry about a worst case scenario of homosexuals being imprisoned for private acts when the alternative might be an Islamic society that will kill them? Or a society that panders to shrill African evangelism and Jamaican batty boy bashers that puts them at risk of attack?

Worst of all, if a government which has the necessary powers and methods to distinguish between the useful decent migrants and the other sort refuses to do so then people may well fall back on less discriminating methods and the undeserving casualties of that will be those decent migrants. I don't think many people will have failed to observe how the attacks by "racist" youths on useless Roma families in Ulster recently were rather successful in removing the problem. The law abiding citizens of Slough who are picking up the bill for raising numerous Roma children may well be taking note.

The worst of the hostility to the hordes of rotten migrants is still only in people's heads, at least we still have freedom there. Be honest, when you read of a migrant falling under a train from Calais, a boatload of African illegals drowned en route to Italy or a bunch of Chinese suffocated in a container does it not cross your mind? "At least that's a few less who will end up here" And if you heard of a petrol bomb attack on a mosque can you honestly say that some little part of your brain would not go "yeh!" And where will this stop? Will we just pass by on the other side if we see a racist attack by whites in the street? That could be a really nice and useful guy and if we had a decent immigration system we could be reasonably sure of it but as it is?

And whether he is or not, part of the UK problem is not the government's fault but ours as a nation; migrants have said they come here because we are tolerant and not as racist as, say, the Germans. When their own futures are being put at risk because of the government's refusal to address the problems some may draw conclusions from that too.


Copyright xoggoth